Through a notification dated 18 October 2019, the FSSAI has issued directions regarding Standards for Formulated Supplements for Children and issues of their licences. The FSSAI had notified the Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Eleventh Amendment Regulations, 2018 which had specified the standards for Formulated Supplements for Children under the regulation CEREALS AND CEREAL PRODUCTS (2.4) in the category MALTED AND MALT BASED FOODS.
- These standards specify the requirements of Formulated Supplements for Children of age above 24 months till up to 36 months. Here the FSSAI has clarified that standards for Complementary Food for the age group 24 to 36 months is also specified under “Formulated Supplements for Children”. Therefore, any complementary food taken in addition to home foods, except Food for Special Dietary Use (FSDU) and Food for Special Medical Purpose (FSMP) for the age group 24 to 36 months shall need to comply with these same standards.
- It is clarified that no such products for infants and children would be allowed henceforth under the category of Proprietary Foods, in view of the sensitivity of the target group involved, while processing applications for new licences or renewal of existing licenses.
- Food Business Operators who already have licenses for the said category under Proprietary Food are advised to get their existing licences modified accordingly as early as possible but before renewal of their existing licenses.
- The Licences Authorities have been directed to consider the pending and new licences applications accordingly with regard to “Formulated Supplements for Children” if they are under the food category 13.2 “Complementary foods for older infants and young children.” The FSSAI has directed the licensing authorities to ensure that henceforth no license is issued or renewed to proprietary food products which are under the food category 13.2
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