FSSAI has issued a draft notification dated 16 September 2020 on Food Safety and Standards (Packaging and Labelling) Amendment Regulations, 2020 prescribing the revision of label declaration on the package of food which is permitted to contain the sweetener. The FSSAI has also invited objections and suggestions which may be addressed to the Chief Executive Officer, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, FDA Bhawan, Kotla Road, New Delhi-110002 or sent on email at [email protected] within 60 days from the date of the notification.
Draft regulations
These regulations may be called the Food Safety and Standards (Packaging and Labelling) Amendment Regulations, 2020. They shall come into force with effective date for implementation to be either 1st January or 1st July subject to a minimum of 180 days from the date of their final publication in the official Gazette.
In the Food Safety and Standards (Packaging and Labelling) Regulations, 2011 under regulation 2.4: Specific Requirements/ Restrictions on manner of labelling in sub-regulation 2.4.4 Specific Labelling Requirements of other Products clause 24 is proposed to be changed to the following
“(24) Every package of food which is permitted to contain sweetener mentioned under Appendix A of the Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011and an advertisement for such food shall carry the following label, namely –
(i) This contains………………………. (Name of the sweetener). (ii) (a)*Quantity of sugar added………g/100g. (b) No sugar added in the product. (iii) * Not recommended for phenylketonurics; for children suffering from seizure disorders; pregnant and lactating mothers (if Aspartame is added) (iv) * Not recommended for children; pregnant and lactating mothers” (if Acesulfame potassium is added) (v) * Not recommended for phenylketonurics; for children; pregnant and lactating mothers (if Aspartame-acesulfame salt is added) (v) *Not recommended for children (if SACCHARINS is added) |
(*strike out whatever is not applicable)
Clause (25) is proposed to be changed to the following
“(25) In addition to the declaration under regulations 2.4.4 (24 and 26), every package of food which is permitted to contain non-caloric sweetener as defined under sub-regulation 3.2.2 and listed under Appendix A of the Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011 and an advertisement for such food shall carry the following label, namely
Clause (27) is proposed to be changed to the following
“(27) Every package of Aspartame (Methyl ester), Acesulfame potassium, Sucralose, SACCHARINS and Neotame marketed as Table Top Sweetener and every advertisement for such Table Top Sweetener shall carry the following label, namely, –
Contains……….. (Name of sweetener with purity and weight percent of marker compound) |
Provided that the package of Aspartame (Methyl ester), marketed as Table Top Sweetener and every advertisement for such Table Top Sweetener shall carry the following label, namely
Not recommended for phenylketonurics; for children suffering from seizure disorders; pregnant and lactating mothers |
Provided that the package of Acesulfame potassium, marketed as Table Top Sweetener and every advertisement for such Table Top Sweetener shall carry the following label, namely
Not recommended for children; pregnant and lactating mothers |
Provided that the package of SACCHARINS, marketed as Table Top Sweetener and every advertisement for such Table Top Sweetener shall carry the following label, namely
Not recommended for children” |
Clause (28) is proposed to be changed to the following
“(28) Every package of food which contains a mixture of Sweeteners mentioned under Appendix A of Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additive) Regulation, 2011, shall carry the following label, namely –
This ……………..…… (Name of food) contains an admixture of …….(name of the sweeteners). (a) *Quantity of sugar added.…………… g/100g, (b) No sugar added in the product. *strike out whatever is not applicable |
Provided that in addition to the above declaration every package of food containing mixture of sweeteners shall declare the labelling requirement prescribed under these regulations for the individual sweeteners present in the mixture;
clause (29) shall be omitted;
After clause (46), the following clauses shall be inserted, namely-
“(46 a) Every package of food containing Isomalt shall bear the following label
May have laxative effects |
“(46 b) Every package of food containing Sorbitol and Sorbitol syrup shall bear the following label:
May have laxative effect, cause bloating and diarrhoea in children; and reduce calcium absorption in post-menopausal women |
Source : FSSAI
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