The FSSAI has proposed draft Food Safety and Standards (Food Product Standards and Food Additives) Amendment Regulations, 2018 relating to Fats, Oils and Fat Emulsions (Standards of chia Oil, Revision of standard of Refined Vegetable Oil, Sunflower seed oil, Imported Sunflower seed oil and Sunflower seed oil (High oleic acid-imported or domestic), Inclusion of
rans Fats in standard of Partially Hydrogenated Soybean Oil, Table Margarine, Mixed Fat Spread and Vegetable Fat Spread and Omission of diacetyl from the category Interesterified vegetable fat/oil and hydrogenated vegetable oils. The FSSAI has also invited comments and suggestions from WTO-SPS Member Countries to reach the FSSAI office within 60 days from 16 May 2018.
In the Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011 in Regulation dealing with ‘Definitions” (1.2) the definition 17 for Refined Vegetable Oil is proposed to be changed to
‘Refined Vegetable Oil’ means any vegetable oil which is obtained by expression or solvent extraction of vegetable oil-bearing materials, deacidified with alkali and/or by physical refining and/or by miscella refining using permitted food grade solvents and/or degumming using phosphoric/citric acid and any suitable food grade enzyme followed by bleaching with absorbent earth and/or activated carbon and deodorized with steam without using any other chemical agents.’
In regulation FATS, OILS AND FAT EMULSIONS (2.2) under the category OILS (2.2.1) the definition for Refined Vegetable Oil is proposed to be changed to the following
“16. Refined vegetable oil means any vegetable oil which is obtained by expression or solvent extraction of vegetable oil-bearing materials, deacidified with alkali and/or physical refining and/or by miscella refining using permitted food grade solvents and/or degumming using phosphoric/citric acid and any suitable food grade enzyme, followed by bleaching with absorbent earth and/or activated carbon and deodourised with steam. No other chemical agent shall be used. The name of the vegetable oil from which the refined oil has been manufactured shall be clearly specified on the label of the container. In addition to the under-mentioned standards to which refined vegetable oils shall conform to the standards prescribed in these regulations for the specified edible oils shall also apply except for acid value which shall be not more than 0.6. Moisture shall not exceed 0.10 percent by weight.
The refined vegetable oil shall comply with the following requirements:
The refined vegetable oil shall be obtained from the vegetable oils standardized in these regulations.
- Test for argemone oil shall be negative.
- The oils shall be clear and free from rancidity, adulterants, sediments, suspended and other foreign matter, separated water, added coloring and flavoring substances and mineral oil.
- However, it may contain food additives permitted in these Regulations and Appendices.”
Amendments in Sunflower Seed Oil
The definition for sunflower seed oil is proposed to be changed to the following
Sunflower seed oil means the oil obtained from clean and sound sunflower seeds or cake from the plants Helianthus annus Linn (Family: Compositae) by the method of expression or solvent extraction. It shall be clear, free from rancidity, suspended or other foreign matter, separated water, added coloring or flavoring substances or mineral oil.
It shall conform to the following standards
S No. | Parameters | Limits |
1. | Butyro-refractometer reading at 40°C | 57.1 – 65.0 |
2. | Refractive Index at 40°C | 1.4640 – 1.4691 |
3. | Or Iodine value (Wij’s method) | 100 – 145 |
4. | Saponification value | 188-194 |
5. | Unsaponifiable matter | Not more than 1.5 % |
6. | Acid value | Not more than 6.0 mg KOH/g Oil
Not more than 4.0 mg KOH/g Oil (for imported sunflower seed oil). |
- Further, if the oil is obtained by the method of solvent extraction, it shall be supplied for human consumption only after refining and shall conform to the standards laid down under regulation 2.2.1 (16) (Refined vegetable oil)
- Additionally, it shall have Flash Point (Pensky Marten closed method) – not less than 250°C.
- Test for argemone oil shall be negative.
- However, it may contain food additives permitted in these Regulations and Appendices.
- The oil so refined shall not contain Hexane more than 5.00 ppm”
Standards for Imported Sunflower seed oil and Sunflower seed oil (High Oleic Acid- imported or domestic)
The definition will now be as follows
Sunflower seed oil (High Oleic Acid) means the oil obtained from clean and sound Sunflower seed or the High Oleic acid oil bearing Sunflower seeds of Helianthus annuus L. by the method of expression or solvent extraction. It shall be clear, free from rancidity, suspended foreign matter, separated water, added coloring or flavoring substance or mineral oil. It shall contain not less than 75% oleic acid as a percent of total fatty acids. It shall conform to the following standards:
S No. | Parameters | Limits |
1. | Butyro-refractometer reading at 25°C
or Refractive Index at 25°C |
1.467-1.471 |
2. | Iodine value (Wij’s method) | 78-90 |
3. | Saponification value | 182-194 |
4. | Unsaponifiable matter | Not more than 1.5% |
5. | Acid value | Not more than 4.0mg KOH/g Oil |
- Test for Argemone oil shall be negative
- Further, if the oil is obtained by the method of solvent extraction and the oil imported into India whether obtained by solvent extraction or otherwise, it shall be supplied for human consumption only after refining and shall conform to the standards laid down under regulation 2.2.1 (16) (Refined Vegetable oil).
- The oil so refined shall not contain hexane more than 5.00 ppm.
Standards for Chia Oil
Chia Oil-Chia oil means the oil expressed from the clean and sound seeds of chia (Salvia hispanica) without the application of heat. It shall be clear from rancidity, suspended or other foreign matter, separated water, added coloring or flavoring substances and mineral oil.
Test for Argemone oil shall be negative.
It shall conform to the following specifications:
S No. | Parameters | Limits |
1. | Refractive index at40°C | 1.470 – 1.480 |
2. | Saponification value | 185-199 |
3. | Iodine value | Not less than 180 |
4. | Acid Value | Not more than 2.0mg KOH/g Oil |
5. | Unsaponifiable matter | Not more than 1.5% |
In Interesterified [vegetable fat/Oil] (2.2.2) and in the regulation HYDROGENATED VEGETABLE OILS (2.2.6) the following proviso is omitted
If any flavour is used, it shall be distinct from that of ghee in accordance with a list of permissible flavours and in such quantities as may be prescribed by Government:
Provided that diacetyl to the extent of not more than 4.0 ppm may be added to interesterified fat exclusively meant for consumption by the Armed Forces
In the following definitions relating to
- Partially hydrogenated and winterized soyabean oil
- Partially hydrogenated soyabean oil
- The Vegetable fat spread and Mixed fat spread Fat
the FSSAI has proposed to add the following provisions in each of these categories of oil and fats
- The oil shall not contain trans fatty acids more than 5 % by weight.
- Provided that maximum limit of trans fatty acid shall not be more than 2% by weight, after 2 years from the date of final notification of above said provision.
Restriction on the use of diacetyl as flavoring substance in oils and fats
In another notification dated the same (16.05.18) as the above notification, the FSSAI has also invited suggestions, views and comments from WTO- SPS Committee members within a period of 60 days on the draft notification relating to Restriction on the use of diacetyl as flavoring substance in oils and fats.
In the Food Safety and Standards (Prohibition and Restriction on sales) Regulations, 2011, in regulation Prohibition and Restriction on sale of certain products (2.3) under the category Special provisions relating to sale of vegetable oil and fat (2.3.15) the FSSAI has proposed to add the following clause, thereby restricting the sale of oils and fats that contain diacetyl.
- Restriction on the use of diacetyl as flavoring substance in oils and fats.
Dr.M.K.Mukundan says
I Have examined the amended version of FASSI standards for edible oils. The parameters considered for the standards are not adequate for identification of skilfull mixing of cheap oils in pure edible oils. As a result most of the edible oils in the market are mixtures, rather adulterated. Our traders and manufacturers are not sincere to give safe food products to the public. Their concern is only profit and never safety. To prevent this illegal practice by such people, it is necessary to include the fatty acid composition of pure oil as criteria in the standard. It may be little expensive for analysing the fatty acid composition. But to prevent adulteration effectively this is the only way. The manufacturer shall be made responsible to analyse the fatty acid composition of each production batch, copy of the same shall be despatched to retailers and competent authorities. In case of doubt the composition of any batch can be tested in a referral lab for conformity.