FSSAI Drafts New Labelling and Display Regulations 2018
The FSSAI has proposed new regulations to be called the Food Safety and Standards (Labelling and Display) Regulations, 2018. The proposed regulations will prescribe the
- labeling requirements of pre-packaged foods
- display of essential information on premises where food is manufactured, processed, served and stored
The FSSAI may also establish an internal mechanism to address the problem arising out of implementation/interpretation of the regulations.
Chapter 1
In this chapter, the FSSAI has defined the words and phrases that will be used in the regulations like
- compound food is food with more than one ingredient
- assorted pack
- best before date
- date of manufacture, date of packaging,
- e-commerce
- foods for catering purposes (food served in restaurants, canteens, schools, hospitals etc)
- high fat, sugar, salt (HFSS) foods
- infant (child below 12 months of age)
- labeling
- lot, code and batch numbers
- multi-unit package
- non-retail containers are not intended for direct sale to consumers
- non-vegetarian food is a food of any animal, bird, fish, and egg but does not include milk, honey, bee, carnauba or shellac wax
- vegetarian food
- package/container
- recommended dietary allowances (RDA) ICMR Dietary Guidelines for Indians shall be applicable and in their absence Codex/WHO guidelines
- pre-packaged food
- principal display panel
- retail pack
- use by and expiry
Chapter 2 – LABELLING
In brief, under general requirements all pre-packaged foods
- Need to be labeled appropriately as mandated in these regulations, with the required information including food sold from e-commerce or direct selling foods
- No false, misleading or deceptive labeling can be used if it creates a wrong impression
- Pictorial, printed and graphic matter is permitted if it is not in conflict with the regulations
- Declarations to be printed in English or Hindi in Devnagiri script but in addition, other languages can be used but cannot contradict the regulations
- Labels must be secured so they not separate from the container
- Contents on the label shall be clear, unambiguous, prominent, conspicuous, indelible and readily legible
- On packages with outside transparent wrapper or container, the declaration on packages must be easily readable through the container or wrapper
Labeling Requirements
The Name of Food shall indicate the true nature of the food contained in the package.
- Where a food is specified by certain essential composition under Food Safety and Standards Regulations made under Food Safety and Standards Act, 2006, that establishes its identity the name provided therein shall be used.
- In the absence of such name, either a common or usual name or an accompanying description of true nature of food shall be used. It may additionally have a “coined”, “fanciful”, “brand” or “trade name
List of Ingredients: Except for single ingredient foods, a list of ingredients shall be declared on the label in the following manner
- The list of ingredients shall contain an appropriate title, such as the term “Ingredients/List of Ingredients”
- The name of ingredients used in the product shall be listed in descending order of their composition by weight or volume, as the case may be at the time of its manufacture.
- A food additive carried over into a food in an amount sufficient to perform a technological function in that food as a result of the use of raw material or other ingredients in which the additives were used shall be included in the list of ingredient.
- A specific name shall be used for ingredients in the list of ingredients. Provided that for ingredients falling in the respective classes, the following class titles may be used, namely
S. No | Name of Classes | Class Title |
1. | Edible vegetable oil | Give a name of the specific edible oil such as mustard oil, groundnut oil, etc |
2. | Edible vegetable fat | Give type of vegetable fat (interesterified vegetable fat, hydrogenated oils, partially
hydrogenated oils, edible vegetable fats, margarine and fat spreads, such as mixed fat spreads, vegetable fat spreads) |
3. | Animal fat/oil other than milk fat | Give the name of the source of fat |
4. | Starches, other than chemically
modified starches |
Starch |
5. | All species of fish where the fish
constitutes an ingredient of another food and provided that the labeling and presentation of such food does not refer to a species of fish |
Fish |
6. | All types of meat where such meat
constitutes an ingredient of another food and provided that the labeling and presentation of such a food does not refer to a specific type of meat |
Give the name of the source of the meat |
7. | All types of cheese where cheese or
mixture of cheese constitute an ingredient of another food and provided that the labeling and presentation of such a food does not refer to a specific type of cheese |
Cheese |
8. | All spices and condiments and their
extracts |
Spice and condiments or mixed spices/ condiments as appropriate |
9. | All types of gum or preparations used
in the manufacture of gum base for chewing gum |
Gum base |
10. | Anhydrous dextrose and dextrose
monohydrate |
Dextrose or Glucose |
11. | All types of sucrose | Sugar |
12. | All types of caseinates | Caseinates |
13. | Press, expeller or refined cocoa butter | Cocoa butter |
14. | All crystallized fruits/vegetables | Crystallized fruit/vegetable |
15. | All milk and milk products derived
solely from milk |
Milk solids (source may also be
given) |
16. | Cocoa bean, Cocoa nib, Cocoa mass,
Cocoa press cakes, Cocoa powder (Fine/dust) |
Cocoa solids |
17. | All vitamins | Vitamins |
18. | All minerals and trace elements | Minerals |
- Where an ingredient is itself the product of two or more ingredients, such a compound ingredient shall be declared, as such, in the list of ingredients, provided that it is immediately accompanied by a list, in brackets, of its ingredients in descending order of proportion (m/m):
- Provided that where a compound ingredient constitutes less than 5% of the food, the ingredients, other than food additives, need not be declared. However, ingredients which are known to cause allergy shall be declared separately as “Contains………………………. (Name of allergy-causing ingredients)”
- Cereals containing gluten; i.e., wheat, rye, barley, oats, spelled or their hybridized strains and products of these;
- Crustacean and their products
- Milk & Milk products
- Eggs and egg products
- Fish and fish products
- Peanuts, tree nuts and their products
- Soybeans and their products
- Sulfite in concentrations of 10mg/kg or more.
- Added water shall be declared in the list of ingredients except in cases where water forms part of an ingredient, such as brine, syrup or broth used on the compound food unless water and other volatile ingredients have evaporated during manufacture.
- in case of dehydrated or condensed food, which are intended to be reconstituted by addition of water, the ingredients in such food shall be declared in descending order of weight or volume and must contain the statement “Ingredients of the product when prepared in accordance with the directions on the label”
- Every package of food sold as a mixture or combination shall disclose the percentage of the ingredient but the ingredient whether indicated by a pictorial depiction of a name must not mislead in any way.
Nutritional Information
- ‘sugars’ means all monosaccharides (glucose, fructose, etc.) and disaccharides (maltose, sucrose, lactose, etc.).
- ‘fat’ means total lipids including saturated fat, monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat and trans fat.
- “dietary fiber” means carbohydrate polymers with a degree of polymerization (DP) not lower than 3, which are not hydrolyzed by the endogenous enzymes in the small intestine of humans. Dietary fiber consists of one or more of
(A) Edible carbohydrate polymers naturally occurring in the food as consumed
(B) Carbohydrate polymers, which have been obtained from food raw material by physical, enzymatic or chemical means
(C) Synthetic carbohydrate polymers.
- ‘nutrient’ means any substance normally consumed as a constituent of food which:
- provides energy
- is needed for growth and development and maintenance of healthy life
- a deficit of which will cause characteristic biochemical or physiological changes to occur
Nutritional Information per 100g or 100ml of the product and per serve percentage (%) contribution to RDA calculated on the basis of 2000 kcal energy, 67 g total fat, 2 g trans fat, 50 g total sugar and 5 g salt (sodium chloride) requirement for average adult per day, shall be given on the label containing the following
- energy value (kcal)
- the amounts of
(A) Protein (g)
(B) Carbohydrate and Sugars (g)
(C) Total fat (g), saturated fat (g), trans fat (g) and cholesterol (mg); Provided that the amounts of saturated fat and trans fat may be declared on the label as “not more than”.
(D) Salt (sodium chloride) (g);
Wherever, numerical information on vitamins and minerals is declared, it shall be expressed in metric units;
Nutrition information panel shall include the amount of food in gram (g) or milliliter (ml) for reference beside the serving measure and the number of servings in the package.
The nutritional information may not be necessary, in case of the following categories.
- Foods for catering purposes such as served in hospitals, restaurants, food service vendors or delivered to consumers ready for immediate consumption
- Food products prepared on site and/ or made up for direct sale to consumers such as sold by Halwais, confectioners
- Foods which are single ingredient products like sugar, jaggery, salt, spices, water
- Non-nutritive products like coffee, coffee chicory mixture, tea, condiments
- Packaged fresh produce like fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh seafood, eggs and fresh meat.
However, nutritional information shall be required in the above-mentioned products if a nutrition or health claim is made on the label.
Calculation of Nutrients
Calculation of Energy: The amount of energy to be listed should be calculated by using the following conversion factors
Carbohydrates 4 kcal/g
Polyols except for Erythritol 2 kcal/g
Erythritol 0kcal/g
Protein 4 kcal/g
Fat 9 kcal/g
Alcohol (Ethanol) 7 kcal/g
Organic acid 3 kcal/g
Protein = Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen x 6.25 (Unless a different factor scientifically justified, may be used)
Nutritional information may additionally be provided in the form of Barcode/Global Trade Identification Number (GTIN)
Declaration regarding Veg or Non-veg
Non-Vegetarian Food: Every package of food containing ingredients including food additives, processing aids of animal origin shall bear a declaration and symbol as follows
Brown color
Vegetarian Food logo
Green Colour
Size of Vegetarian/Non-vegetarian logo
S.N | Area of principal
display panel in cm. square |
Minimum size
of diameters of a circle in mm |
Minimum size
on each side of triangle in mm |
Minimum size
on each side of square in mm |
1. | Up to 100 | 3 | 2.5 | 6 |
2. | Above100 to 500 | 4 | 3.5 | 8 |
3. | Above 500 to 2500 | 6 | 5 | 12 |
4. | Above 2500 | 8 | 7 | 16 |
Every package of food material which is not meant for human consumption shall bear a declaration to this effect by a symbol as stipulated below
Veg and non-veg symbols are not applicable to mineral water, packaged drinking water, carbonated water, alcoholic beverages, liquid milk, milk powders or honey
Declaration regarding Food Additives
Functional classes for food additives shall be declared together with the specific name(s) or recognized International Numbering System (INS) as specified in Food Safety and Standards (Food Product Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011 in the list of the ingredients.
- In case of artificial flavoring substances, the common name of the flavor shall be declared
- In case of natural flavoring substances or nature identical substances, the class name of flavors shall be declared
Name and Complete Address
- Name and complete address of the brand owner and license number of the manufacturer. packer or bottler if located at different places and address will be preceded by “Manufactured by” or “Mfg by” or “Mfd by” or “Packed by” or “Pkd by” or “Marketed by” or “Mkt by”
- Where an article of food is imported into India, the package of food shall also carry the name and complete address of the importer in India.
FSSAI logo and license number
The FSSAI logo and license number under the Act shall be displayed on the label
of the food package in contrast color to the background as below:
- In case of multiple units the FSSAI logo and license number of the brand owner shall be displayed, in addition, the license number of the multiple units (s) where the product is ultimately prepared shall also be displayed.
- In case of imported food products, the importer shall display FSSAI logo and license number along with name and address of the importer.
- FBOs to display on all its premises, where food is stored, processed, distributed or sold, the Registration/Licence No.
- Any/ all vehicles, transport equipment that carries food from one place to another shall display Registration/Licence No.
Net quantity, Retail Sale Price and Consumer Care details must be declared on labels
Lot/Code/Batch identification
A manner of a declaration of date of manufacture or packaging/Expiry/Use
by/Best Before shall be as follows:
- the day, month and year using the DD/MM/YY format for products with a short shelf life of up to 3 months
- the month and the year for products with a shelf life of more than three months shall be declared in un-coded numerical sequence except that the month shall be indicated by capital letters and abbreviations (at least first three letters of the month) may be used
- Special storage conditions to be declared on the label if the validity of the date depends thereon
- storage conditions after opening the pack may also be specified.
Notwithstanding anything contained in this regulation “Expiry” shall not be required for:
- Fresh fruits and vegetables, including potatoes which have not been peeled, cut or similarly treated
- All types of wine
- Alcoholic beverages containing 10% or more by volume of alcohol
- Vinegar
- Hard-boiled confectionery
- Food grade salt for industrial use
- Solid sugars
- Chewing gum.
“Date of manufacture or packaging” and “Expiry /Use by” shall be grouped
together and given at one place.
“Date and time of manufacture” shall be declared on packed meals served in
airlines/railways/mobile catering units.
Country of Origin for Imported Food
The country
- of origin of the food shall be declared on the label of food imported into India.
- in which the processing is performed as secondary change shall be considered to be the county of origin for the purposes of labeling.
Instructions for use
Instructions for use, including reconstitution, where applicable, shall be included on the label, to ensure proper utilization of the food or where such food requires directions for reasons for health and safety (eg. ‘Refrigerate after opening’).
Principal display panel
- All information should be grouped together and given at one place.
The pre-printed information be grouped together and given in one place and,
- Online information or those not pre-printed be grouped together in another place.”
Area of Principal Display Panel
The area of principal display panel shall not be less than:
In the case of a
- the rectangular package, forty percent of the product of height and width of the panel of such package having the largest area
- cylindrical or nearly cylindrical, round or nearly round, oval or nearly oval package, forty percent of the product of the height and average circumference of such package
- package of any other shape, twenty percent of the total surface area of the package
- package having a capacity of ten cubic centimeters or less, the principal display panel may be card or tape affixed firmly to the package and bearing the required information under these regulations.
Table for Height of any numeral and letter on the /principal display panel
SN | Area of Principal Display Panel | Minimum Height of numeral and letter in mm | |
Normal Case | When Blown,
formed Moulded, or perforated on container |
1. | Up to 100 cm2 | 1 | 2 |
2. | Above 100 cm2 up to 500 cm2 | 2 | 4 |
3. | Above 500 cm2 up to 2500 cm2 | 4 | 6 |
4. | Above 2500 cm2 | 6 | 8 |
The following information shall be declared on the front of the pack:
- The name of the food;
- Declaration regarding veg or non-veg;
- Per serve contribution of energy, total fat, trans fat, total sugar and salt (sodium chloride) to RDA as per format indicated below:
Part 1 Declares the amount of energy, total fat, trans fat, total sugar and salt (sodium chloride) per serving;
Part 2: Declares the per serve percentage (%) contribution to RDA as provided under regulation
The block(s) of nutrient(s) for “High Fat, Sugar and Salt” (HFSS) food shall be colored ‘RED’ as depicted below,
Provided that for ‘RED’ coding of the blocks of nutrient (s) for “High Fat, Sugar, and Salt” (HFSS) food, the permissible allowances to threshold values shall be as under
Timeline | Allowance |
From the date of compliance with these regulations | Threshold values* plus 30% of the
threshold values* |
After one year from the date of compliance with these regulations | Threshold values* plus 15% of the
threshold values* |
After two years from the date of compliance with these regulations | Threshold values* |
* As specified in clause (d) of sub-regulation 4 of regulation 5 for total sugar, trans-fat and schedule –I of these regulations for sodium and total fat.
Mandatory Declarations
- Wherever, the packaged food contains ingredients and /or additives as stated in schedule-IV of these regulations, the same shall be prominently displayed on the label. The size of numerals and letters for the declarations/specific requirements specified in schedule-IV shall not be less than 3mm based on the letter l.
- The Food Authority may either modify, delete or add any of the ingredients and/or additives and a corresponding declaration from time to time
Exemptions from certain labeling requirements
- Where the surface area of the package is not more than 100 square centimetres, the label of such package shall be exempted from the requirements of list of ingredients, Lot Number or Batch Number or Code Number, nutritional information, labelling of irradiated food, declaration of food additives, the name and complete address of the importer and instructions for use, but these information shall be given on the multi-unit packages.
- In case of liquid products marketed in bottles, if such bottle is intended to be reused for refilling, the requirement of the list of ingredients shall be exempted, but the nutritional information specified in regulation 4.2(3) shall be given on the label.
- In case of food with shelf-life of not more than seven days, the ‘date of manufacture’ may not be required to be mentioned on the label of packaged food articles, but the ‘Expiry/use by’ shall be mentioned on the label by the manufacturer or packer
- In case of prepared food served for immediate consumption such as in hotels or by food service vendors or caterers or halwais or hospitals or at religious gathering or food served in airline/railways/passenger vehicle or any mobile unit shall accompany or display the minimum information as specified below at the point of sale/serve of the food.
(a) any warning/statutory declarations required under these regulations;
(b) information relating to the allergen; and
(c) logo for veg or non-veg.
- Provided that in case of food served through the vending machine the labeling requirement as prescribed in regulation 4.2(3) of these regulations shall be displayed in addition to the requirements mentioned in 7(4) above, through an appropriate presentation on the outside of vending machine or through poster, leaflet or on the container.
- The following labeling requirements are exempted if they are provided in a Barcode/Global Trade Identification Number (GTIN);-
- a) Address of the Brand owner and multiple units where manufacturing, bottling or packing is taking place.
- b) License numbers of the multiple units were manufacturing, bottling or
packing is taking place.
- In case of imported packaged food consignments, the following special dispensation on labeling shall be allowed for the rectifiable labeling deficiencies at the custom bound warehouse by affixing a single nondetachable sticker or by any other non- detachable method next to the principal display panel namely: ―
(a) name and address of the importer;
(b) Food Safety and Standards Authority of India’s Logo and license number,
(c) Non-Veg or Veg Logo
(d) Category or subcategory along with generic name, nature, and composition
for Proprietary food.
In respect of the rectifiable labeling deficiencies referred to above, the Authorised Officer may pass an order directing the Food Importer or his authorized agent to carry out the permissible labeling
rectifications, within a specified time
- In case of primary food like food grain, pulse, fruits, and vegetables, whole spices imported in loose in bulk shall carry:-
(a) name of food
(b) name and complete address of the importer
However, it may also be verified from the relevant documents.
Chapter 3 Labelling Requirements of non-retail container
- Every packaged food meant for non-retail sale shall provide the following mandatory information either on the container or on the label attached thereto:
(a) Name of the food;
(b) Net Quantity;
(c) FSSAI Logo and License number;
(d) Date marking;
(e) Lot No.
- The following information if not provided on the label shall be provided in the accompanying documents:
(a) List of ingredient along with their source as Veg or Non-Veg
(b) Nutritional information
(c) List of food additives
(d) Name and address of the manufacturer or packer (including country of origin for imported packages)
- Every package meant for non- retail sale shall bear a statement “NOT FOR RETAIL SALE”.
Labeling of packaged Food Additives for Retail Sale
- Every package of a food additive meant for retail sale to the consumer shall be labeled in accordance with the Food Safety and Standards (Labelling) Regulations, 2017 except as mentioned in Labelling requirements for the name of the food and nutritional information
- Additionally, the label of every package of the food additive shall provide the following information under these regulations
(a) Name of Food Additive.- The specific name as mentioned in Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011 and amendments thereof shall be used. Provided that:
(i) Where such a name is not listed in the aforementioned clause the name established in international regulations shall be used or
(ii) In other cases, the common or commercial name shall be used
(iii) In the case of synthetic food colors the chemical name and the color index of the dyestuff.
(iv) If two or more food additives are present in the package, their names shall be listed in the descending order of their composition by weight or volume. Where one or more of the food additives are subject to a quantitative limitation in a food covered by Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulations 2011, and amendments thereof, the quantity or proportion of that additive shall be stated. If food ingredients are part of the preparation, they shall be declared in the list of ingredients in descending order of proportion by weight.
Other Mandatory Declarations:
- Every package of a food additive sold in retail or non-retail sale shall be marked prominently with the words “FOR FOOD USE”.
- In the case of mixtures of flavorings, the name of each flavoring present in the mixture need not be given but a common or generic expression “flavor” or “flavoring” may be used, together with a true indication of the nature of the flavor. The expression “flavor” or “flavoring” shall be qualified by the words “natural”, nature-identical”, “artificial”, or a combination of these words, as appropriate. Provided that this qualifier does not apply to flavor modifiers.
Schedule -1 of these regulations contains Nutrient Thresholds for Food Categories for Total fat and Sodium (g / 100 g or 100 ml) has been given for all categories and sub-categories of food like milk and milk products and all subcategories.
Schedule II contains the list of Exempted Food categories
Schedule III
Every package of fortified food shall carry the words “fortified with …………(name of the fortificant)” and the logo, as specified below, on the label. It may also carry a tagline “Sampoorna Poshan Swasth Jeevan” under the logo (in English or Hindi)
Every package of organic food shall carry the logo as specified below:
Schedule- IV – Mandatory Declarations
Every package of food containing the following ingredients/additives shall bear the following declarations on the label in a rectangular box, namely
S. No | Ingredients/ Additives | Declarations |
1. | 10% or more polyols | POLYOLS MAY HAVE LAXATIVE EFFECT |
2. | 10% or more polydextrose | POLYDEXTROSE MAY HAVE LAXATIVE EFFECT |
3. | Added caffeine | CONTAINS ADDED CAFFEINE
Provided if caffeine is added in the products, the quantity of the added caffeine (in ppm) shall also be declared in the list of ingredients. |
4. | somaltulose | Contains Isomaltulose—– (calories) |
Every package containing the following articles of food shall bear the following declarations on the label in a rectangular box, namely
S. No | Article of food | Declaration |
1. | Maida treated with improver or bleaching agents | WHEAT FLOUR TREATED WITH IMPROVER/BLEACHING AGENTS, TO BE USED BY BAKERIES ONLY |
2. | Dried Glucose Syrup containing sulfur dioxide exceeding 40 ppm | DRIED GLUCOSE SYRUP FOR USE IN SUGAR CONFECTIONERY ONLY |
3. | Fruit squash by whatever name it is sold, containing additional sodium or potassium salt | CONTAINS ADDITIONAL SODIUM/POTASSIUM SALT |
4. | Bakery and Industrial Margarine made from more than 30 percent of Rice Bran Oil | This package of Bakery & Industrial Margarine is made from more than 30 percent of Rice Bran Oil by Wt. |
5. | Flavour emulsion and flavor paste meant for use in carbonated or non-carbonated beverages | FLAVOUR EMULSION AND FLAVOUR PASTE FOR USE IN CARBONATED OR NON-CARBONATED BEVERAGES ONLY |
6. | Cheese(s), if coated/packed in food grade waxes | COATED WAX TO BE REMOVED BEFORE CONSUMPTION |
7. | Frozen Desert/Frozen Confection | Frozen Desserts/Frozen Confection is made with _______________Edible Vegetable Oil*/and Vegetable Fat* |
9. | Fresh fruit is coated with wax | Coated with wax (give name of wax) |
10. | Gelatin meant for human consumption | Gelatin Food Grade |
Every package containing the following articles of food and advertisement relating thereto shall carry the warning and/or declaration, in a rectangular box, namely
S No | Articles of Food | Declarations |
3. | Aspartame (Methyl Ester), Acesulfame Potassium, Sucralose, and Saccharin Sodium, Neotame marketed as “Table Top Sweetener” | (i) Contains……….. (name of artificial sweetener)
(ii) Not recommended for children |
4. | Aspartame (Methyl Ester), marketed as “Table Top Sweetener” | “Not for Phenylketonurics” |
Every package of food containing the following ingredients/additives and advertisement relating thereto shall carry the following warning and declaration, in a rectangular box, namely
S No. | Ingredients/additives | Declaration |
1. | Artificial/non-nutritive sweeteners mentioned in Food Safety and Standards (Food Products standards and Food Additive) Regulations, 2011 | (i) This contains…………….. (Name of the artificial/non-nutritive sweeteners).
(ii) Not recommended for children. (iii) *Not for Phenylketonurics (if Aspartame is added) |
2. | Monosodium Glutamate | This package of (name of the food contains added)………… MONOSODIUM GLUTAMATE
* Strike out whatever is not applicable.
One time use plastic bottles of packaged drinking water and mineral water shall carry the following declaration
Every package of fat spread, milk products, milk-based fruit drink, fermented milk products, soy and rice drink, cheese products, yogurt products, spice sauces, salad dressings, juices and nectars containing plant stanol esters shall bear the following label, namely
· Contains Plant Stanol Esters (as Plant Stanols )—gm/100 gm or 100ml. |
· Patients on cholesterol-lowering medication should use the product under medical supervision. |
· May is not nutritionally appropriate for pregnant and lactating women and children under the age of five years. |
Every package of biscuits, bread, cakes, breakfast cereals, carbonated water, thermally processed fruits, fruit juices, fruit nectars, fruit beverages, fruit squashes, jam, jelly, fruit cheese, marmalade, dairy-based drinks, milk powder, carbohydrate-based and milk product based sweets like Gulab Jamun, rosogolla, peda, khoya burfi, macaroni products, noodles, pasta, sweets and confectionery, candies and icings, savories and snacks wherever the trehalose is added shall bear the following label, namely
Contains Trehalose |
Every package of flakes and ready to eat dry breakfast cereals, noodles, pasta, salad dressings or toppings and spreads; table top fibre as filler or carrier, cereals and other snack food or savouries and bakery products including biscuits, cookies, bread, cake mix and pastries and other products where dextrin is allowed under Food Safety and standards (Food Products standards and Food Additive) Regulations, 2011, containing added Dietary Fibre (Dextrin-soluble fibre), shall bear the following declarations, namely:-
Contains Dietary Fibre (Dextrin) —– (Source of Soluble Dietary Fibre)
Fat spread, milk products, milk-based fruit drink, fermented milk products, soy and rice drinks, cheese products, yogurt products, spice sauces, salad dressings, juices and nectars, edible oils, and bakery products containing plant sterol shall contain the following declarations, namely
- Contains Plant Stanol Esters (as Plant Stanols)—gm/100 gm or 100ml.
- Patients on cholesterol lowering medication should use the product under medical supervision.
- May not be nutritionally appropriate for pregnant and lactating women and children under the age of five years.
The label of a food, which has been treated with ionizing radiation, shall carry a written statement indicating the treatment in close proximity to the name of the food.
Any food that has undergone the process of irradiation provided under Regulation 2.13 of Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011, shall bear the Radura logo in green color and following declaration on the label, namely
Name of the Product:
Purpose of Radiation Processing:
Operating License No. :
Batch Identification No. (BIN) (as provided by facility):
Date of Processing…………………………”
Specific requirements/ restrictions on the manner of labeling
Labeling of infant milk substitute and infant food.-
An article of infant milk substitutes /infant foods, whose standards are not prescribed under Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011 shall be manufactured for sale, exhibited for sale or stored for sale only after obtaining the approval of such articles of food and its label from the Authority.
Without prejudice to any other provisions relating to labelling requirements contained in these regulations, every container of infant milk substitute or infant food or any label affixed thereto shall indicate in a clear, conspicuous and in an easily readable manner, the words “IMPORTANT NOTICE” in capital letters and indicating there under the following particulars, namely:-
- a statement “MOTHER’S MILK IS BEST FOR YOUR BABY” in capital letters. The types of letters used shall not be less than five millimeters and the text of such statement shall be in the Central Panel of every container of infant milk substitute or infant food or any label affixed thereto. The color of the text printed or used shall be different from that of the background of the label, container as the case may be. In case of infant food, a statement indicating “infant food shall be introduced only (after the age of six months and up to the age of two years)” shall also be given
- a statement that infant milk substitute or infant food should be used only on the advice of a health worker
- a warning that infant milk substitute or infant food is not the sole source of nourishment of an infant
- a statement indicating the process of manufacture (e.g spray dried) except in case of infant foods, instruction for appropriate and hygienic preparation including cleaning of utensils, bottles and teats and warning against health hazards of inappropriate preparations, as under:
“Warning/ caution-Careful and hygienic preparation of infant foods/infant milk substitute is most essential for health. Do not use fewer scoops than directed since diluted feeding will not provide adequate nutrients needed by your infant. Do not use more scoops than directed since concentrated feed will not provide the water needed by your infant”
- the storage condition specifically stating “store in a cool and dry place in an airtight container” or the like (after opening use the contents within the period mentioned or the expiry date whichever is earlier)
- the feeding chart and directions for use and instruction for discarding leftover feed
- Instruction for use of measuring scoop (level or heaped) and the quantity per scoop (scoop to be given with pack)
- the protein efficiency ratio (PER) shall be minimum 2.5 if the product is claimed to have higher quality protein
- the specific name of the food additives, if permitted, shall be declared in addition to appropriate class names.
No containers or label relating to infant milk substitute or infant food shall have a picture of infant or women or both. It shall not have a picture or other graphic materials or phrases designed to increase the saleability of the infant milk substitute or infant food. The terms “Humanised” or “Maternalised” or any other similar words shall not be used. The Package and/or any other label of infant milk substitute or infant food shall not exhibit the words, “Full Protein Food”, “energy Food”, “Complete food” or “Health Food” or any other similar expression.
The containers of infant milk substitute meant for (premature baby (born before 37 weeks)/low birth weight infant (less than 2.5kg) or labels affixed thereto shall indicate the following additional information, namely:-
- the words [PREMATURE BABY (BORN BEFORE 37 WEEKS) LOW BIRTH WEIGHT (LESS THAN 2.5 KG] in capital letters along with the product name in the central panel
- a statement “the low birth weight infant milk substitute shall be withdrawn under medical advice as soon as the mother’s milk is sufficiently available”
- a statement “TO BE TAKEN UNDER MEDICAL ADVICE” in capital letters
The product which contains neither milk nor any milk derivatives shall be labeled “contains no milk or milk products or milk derivatives” in a conspicuous manner.
The container of infant milk substitute for lactose or lactose and sucrose intolerant infants or label affixed thereto shall indicate conspicuously “LACTOSE-FREE or SUCROSE-FREE or LACTOSE and SUCROSE-FREE” in capital letters and statement “TO BE TAKEN UNDER MEDICAL ADVICE”
The container of infant milk substitute meant for infants with an allergy to cow’s /buffalo’s milk protein and proteins listed as potential allergen under regulation 4.2.2 clause (f) thereto shall indicate conspicuously “HYPOALLERGENIC FORMULA” and the statement “TO BE TAKEN UNDER MEDICAL ADVICE” in capital letters on the label.
There shall be a surrounding line enclosing the declaration where the words “not recommended for babies under 6 months of age” are required to be used.
The distance between any part of the words “not recommended for babies under 6 months of age” surrounding the line enclosing these words shall not be less than 1.5 mm.
Labeling of edible oils and fats
- The package, label or the advertisement of edible refined vegetable oils and fats shall not use any exaggerated expressions like “Super-Refined”, “Extra-Refined”, “Micro-Refined”, “Double refined,”, Ultra-Refined”.
- Every package of vanaspati made from more than 30 percent of Rice bran oil shall bear the following label, namely: – ‘This package of vanaspati is made from more than 30 percent Rice bran oil by weight”
- A package containing annatto color in vegetable oils shall bear the following label namely
Contains Annatto color |
Every package containing an admixture of edible oils shall carry the following label declaration immediately below its brand name, namely
Blended Edible Vegetable Oil
(Name and nature* of edible vegetable oil) ……………………..% by weight (Name and nature* of edible vegetable oil)………………………% by weight |
(*i.e. in raw or refined form)
The font size of the label declaration “Blended Edible Vegetable Oil” shall not be less than 5 mm.
There shall also be the following declaration in bold capital letters along with the name of the product on front/central panel,-
Coffee-Chicory Mixture
Every package containing a mixture of coffee and chicory shall have affixed to it a label upon which shall be printed the following declaration:
Coffee blended with Chicory
This mixture contains
Coffee…………………………… Percent
Chicory………………………….. Percent
Every package containing Instant Coffee-Chicory mixture shall have affixed to it a label upon which shall be printed the following declarations:
The instant Coffee-Chicory mixture made from blends of coffee and chicory
Coffee…………………………… Percent
Chicory………………………….. Percent
Labeling of Milk and Milk products
All Milk powders, skimmed milk powders, and condensed milk or similar products, which can be reconstituted into liquid milk, shall carry the following declaration on the label:
Not to be used as infant milk substitute
Not to be used as infant milk substitute
In the case of condensed milk (sweetened and flavored)
Labeling prohibitions on packaged drinking water and packaged mineral water
- No claims concerning medicinal (preventative, alleviative or curative) effects shall be made in respect of the properties of the product covered by the standard. Claims of other beneficial effects related to the health of the consumer shall not be made”
- The name of the locality, hamlet or specified place may not form part of the trade name unless it refers to packaged water collected at the place designated by that trade name.
- The use of any statement or of any pictorial device which may create confusion in the mind of the public or in any way mislead the public about the nature, origin, composition, and properties of such waters put on sale is prohibited
Labeling of ‘Gluten Free’ and ‘Low Gluten’
The term “Gluten Free” shall be printed in the immediate proximity of the name of the product in the case of products described in regulation 2.14 of the Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011, namely
Gluten Free |
The term “Low Gluten” shall be printed in the immediate proximity of the name of the product in the case of products described in regulation 2.15 of the Food Safety and Standards (Food Products Standards and Food Additives) Regulations, 2011, namely:
Low Gluten |
The label shall carry a ‘warning’ that ‘the food labeled as Low Gluten may pose a risk for those with celiac.
Labeling of Genetically Engineered or Modified Foods
All food products having total Genetically Engineered (GE) ingredients 5% or more shall be labeled. The total GE ingredients shall be of top three ingredients in terms of their percentage in the product. The labeling shall be as:
“Contains GMO/Ingredients derived from GMO”
Labeling of Alcoholic Beverages
The labels of Alcoholic Beverages shall carry a statutory warning as mentioned below, printed in the English language. In case, respective states with the same to be printed in their local or regional language, the same shall be allowed, without the need for repeating the English version. Size of statutory warning shall not be less than 3 mm.
Surajit das says
Need to know selling tea in E- comm what are the requitements and liscences we have to procurs as per FASSAI.
Dipti says
I want food products labelled charges per product and procedures.
FSH Team says
For packaging and labelling procedure you can go through the following url – https://www.fssai.gov.in/upload/uploadfiles/files/Compendium_Packaging_Labelling_Regulations_22_01_2019.pdf
K P Mohandas says
The requirement of printing Red Dot on food packages based contents of more than 10% of sugar and salt and more than 1% of Fat, is too arbitrary. Industry should be given at least one year time to gradually implement.
Meanwhile, while we agree wih thE objections filed by Assocham, we would suggest that INSTEAD OF Red Dot, FSSAI may consider YELLOW DOT which indicates Alert as per traffic lights system. RED is sysnonymous with Non Vegeterian food in our country and may be subsituted with YELOOW DOT.
Addicted.16 says
Point 3 of Exemptions from certain labeling requirements, this point would enable a manufacturer to stock their product for any no. of days before being sent to market and use a later use by date. Eg a packet of curd manufactured on 1/1/xx would ideally be usable for 7 days. However if the product is labelled use by 10/1/xx, in absence of date of mfg, the customer has no way of figuring out that this product is actually beyond its usable period. On the contrary, if mfg is mentioned, any food which is in market on 1/1/xx should have a use by date of 7/1 necessarily.
Dr. Alok Sogani says
Has the logo for vegetarian products been changed to a triangle.
FSH Team says
No, the final notification is yet to be published.