Meat and meat products have been categorized as meat, poultry and game that are either fresh or processed. Meat means fresh meat, poultry and game which could be in the form of whole pieces, cuts or comminuted (minced etc.) Meat products are products that have been processed by various methods so that they no longer resemble fresh meat. These products include meat, poultry, and game products in whole pieces or cuts that are cured salted and dried, processed by non-heat treatment, fermented non-heat treated products, heat treated or frozen products. Edible casings used for sausages etc. also come in the category of meat and meat products.
FSSAI has laid down guidelines through a document on Food Safety Management Systems so that there is no risk of contamination and meat and meat products are safe for human consumption. HACCP approach is a systematic method used to prevent any hazards from entering meat and meat products. It is important to identify and eliminate all hazards at the critical control point itself (CCP).
The following checklist can be used by the food business operators who deal in meat and meat products, to ensure that they are in compliance with Schedule 4 of Food Safety and Standards (Licensing & Registration of Food Businesses) Regulations, 2011.
Location and Layout of the establishment
The meat processing plant should be located away from industries that emit chemicals, harmful gases or obnoxious odour and have
- permanent ceilings made of iron or asbestos sheets or RCC
- floors that are cemented, tiled, laid in stone or have a pakka flooring
- smooth walls in the production area which are made of impervious material up to 5ft. and a curved junction between the wall and floor
- adequate lighting and ventilation in the factory premises and walls to be whitewashed.
- provision for disposal of refuse and effluents
- proper drainage facility in the production and food service area
- proper outlets for smoke and steam like chimney and exhaust fan if open fire is used and have fans installed at the proper height
- automatic door closers on all doors
- net or screen fitted on doors, windows and other opening to prevent entry of insects
- antiseptic disinfectant and footbath at entrances if external and internal shoes are not separate
- sufficient toilets for workers outside the processing area
- machinery only in 50% of the production area for continuous flow of production, easy movement and maintenance of hygiene
Equipment and Fixtures
Since meat can cause contamination quite easily FBOs to ensure that the
- Equipment is always clean, washed, dried and free from moulds and fungi
- No container or vessel is used that could cause metallic contamination
- Table tops used for food preparation are made of close joint and impervious material
- Equipment is made of either stainless steel, galvanized iron or of non corrosive metals
- Facilities for cleaning and disinfecting equipment and instruments are appropriate and that you have adopted a cleaning in place (CIP) system wherever necessary
Storage Systems
Since meat rends to deteriorate very fast so storage arrangements and other systems must be foolproof to prevent any hazards from entering the products
- Store food and food ingredients with proper labelling and adequate segregation
- Have adequate systems to maintain time – temperature control at the time of storage
- Ensure all raw material, food additives and ingredients, wherever applicable conform to regulations laid down under the Act
- Use only containers made of non toxic material for storage
- Have cold storage facility if required
Personal Hygiene
FBOs must lay emphasis on personal hygiene so there is no risk of cross contamination of meat and meat products. Make sure you
- Provide suitable aprons, head cover disposable gloves and footwear
- Have adequate toilet facilities hand wash and footbath detergent/bactericidal soap, hand drying facility and nail cutter
- No person is suffering from any infection or contagious disease
- Make arrangements to get staff medically examined once in six months to ensure that they are free from infectious, contagious and other diseases
- Get the staff working in such factory are inoculated against the enteric group of disease and vaccinated
- no employee works in the factory who is suffering from a hand or face injury, skin infection or clinically recognizable infectious disease
Water Supply
Your meat and meat products plant must have
- adequate supply of potable water
- appropriate facilities for safe and clean storage of water
- water examined chemically and bacteriologic ally by a NABL Accredited laboratory
- potable water for use in ice and steam during processing
- identification marks on pipelines to easily identify potable and non-potable water
Pest Control System
FBOs must take full measures to ensure that
- pest control treatment is carried out only with permissible chemical, physical and biological agents and within the recommended limits
- there are adequate control measures to prevent insect and rodents from entering the processing area
Conveyance and Transportation
- Ensure clean conveyance and transportation of food especially if the same vehicle is being used for non-food items.
- Provide temperature control system for all conveyance and transportation
Cleaning and Maintenance
- FBOs need to have a well drawn out cleaning and sanitation programme which is observed and the records are properly maintained
- Food preparation areas need to be cleaned regularly with water, detergent and disinfectant
Operational Features
- FBOs must ensure that the source of the meat and the standard is of the best quality and as per Regulations and standards laid down in the Act
- Obtain a test report from own or NABL accredited/ FSSAI notified labs regarding microbiological contaminants in food items
- Arrange for proper monitoring of temperature and relative humidity
Documentation and Records
FBO must make available
- records of daily production, raw material utilized and sales
- periodic audit of the whole system according to the Standard Operating Procedure conducted regarding Good Manufacturing Practices/Good Hygienic Practices (GMP)
- appropriate records of food processing/ preparation, food quality, laboratory test results, pest control etc. for a period of 1 year or the shelf -life of the product whichever is available.
- records of sale and purchase and sale of food product to registered/licensed vendor and raw material purchased from registered/ licensed supplier
- a recall plan if food product has to be recalled after sale
Product information and consumer awareness
All packaged food must carry the label and requisite information as per Regulations
FBO to ensure that food production personnel and production floor managers/ supervisors undergo appropriate food hygiene training
Additional requirements for Meat & Meat Products
- The condition of animal house, holding pens, quarantine pens must be hygienic and at an adequate distance from the processing plant
- There must be an incinerator or burial pits so that condemned carcasses and exiting wastes is properly disposed
- There should be adequate arrangement for separate raw meat department, filling department and cooked meat department
- Source of supply of meat must be checked
- Record of number of animals to be slaughtered per day must
- The method of slaughter must be identified as Halal /Jhatka etc.
- Facilities and equipment for slaughter must be adequate
- Adequate facilities for ante /post mortem examination
- Record of number of VETs, there name and VCI registration number etc.
- Adequate arrangement for keeping record (arrival and raw meat examination )
- Integrate with Slaughter House, if required
- Provide foolproof arrangement for meat inspection either that of a qualified Vet or services of technically qualified person
- Ensure equipment is at proper height to check for any leftover of meat
- Provide separate clean and sufficient drums or receptacles for storing the glands, waste, tissues, bones blood clots etc. in each department like slaughter hall, deboning, cooking and filling departments
- Provide suitable arrangement of trolley for quick transportation /removal of all the above material
- Mark storage receptacle/trolleys for slaughter either as clean or unclean etc. to avoid cross contamination and easy identification
- Provide separate cold storage for raw and cooked meat.
- Condition of cold storage must be clean and bins marked as clean and unclean. Meat must be stored properly.
- Ensure additives, curing agents etc., are properly labelled and packed to avoid access and contamination by rodents and insects
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