Extension expired on 26.08.2012 Brief Interpretation: FSSAI had constituted eight Scientific Panels and Scientific Committee for providing scientific opinions to the Food Authority on 26.05.2009 for a period of 3 years. The term of these Scientific Panels and Scientific Committee has expired on 26/05/2012. It had been decided by FSSAI to extend them for 2 […]
FSSAI introduces reward scheme for whistle blowers
Food Safety and Authority of India (FSSAI) has issued a note on Reward Scheme for Whistle blowers for Information on cases of Food Adulteration and Safe Food, FSSAI FDA Bhawan Kotla Road, New Delhi, Dated: 10.07.2012 Brief Interpretation of Scheme: If any person who have any information related to adulteration/misbranding /misleading advertisement or any other […]