- Moisture and volatile matter Not more than 10.0 percent by weight
- Total ash on dry basis Not more than 8.0 percent by weight
- Acid insoluble ash on dry basis Not more than 1.5 percent by weight
- Solubility in cold water on dry weight basis Not more than 65.0 percent by weight
- Bitterness expressed as direct reading of absorbanceof picrocrocine at about 257 nm on Dry basis Not less than 30.0 percent by weight
- Safranal expressed as direct reading of absorbance of 330 nm on dry basis Not less than 20.0 percent by weight and not more than 50.0 percent by weight
- Colouring strength expressed as direct reading of absorbance of 440 nm on dry basis Not less than 80.0 percent by weight
- Total Nitrogen on dry basis Not more than 3.0 percent by weight
- Crude Fibre on dry basis Not more than 6.0 percent by weight
Turmeric (Haldi)
- Turmeric (Haldi) whole means the primary or secondary rhizomes commercially called bulbs or fingers of Curcuma Longa L. The rhizomes shall be cured by soaking them in boiling water and then drying them to avoid regeneration. The rhizome be in natural state or machine polished. The product shall have characteristic odour and flavour and shall be free from mustiness or other foreign flavours. It shall be free from mould, living and dead insects, insect fragments, rodent contamination. The product shall be free from Lead Chromate added starch and any other extraneous colouring matter.
It shall conform to the following standards:—- Extraneous matter Not more than 1.0 percent by weight
- Defective Rhizomes Not more than 5.0 percent by weight
- Moisture Not more than 12.0 percent by weight
- Insect damaged matter Not more than 1.0 percent by weight
- Test for lead chromate Negative
Explanation :- Defective rhizomes consist of shrivelled fingers and or bulbs internally damaged, hollow or porous rhizomes scorched by boiling and other types of damaged rhizomes.
- Turmeric (Haldi) powder means the powder obtained by grinding dried rhizomes or bulbous roots of Curcuma Longa L. The powder shall have characteristic odour and flavour and shall be free from mustiness or other foreign odour. It shall be free from mould, living and dead insects, insect fragments, rodent contamination. The powder shall be free from any added colouring matter including Lead Chromate and morphologically extraneous matter including foreign starch.
It shall conform to the following standards:—- Moisture Not more than 10.0 percent by weight
- Total ash on dry basis Not more than 9.0 percent by weight
- Ash insoluble in dil. HCl on dry basis Not more than 1.5 percent by weight
- Colouring power expressed as curcuminoid content on dry basis Not less than 2.0 percent by weight
- Total Starch Not more than 60.0 percent by weight
- Test for lead chromate Negative
- CURRY POWDER means the powder obtained from grinding clean, dried and sound spices belonging to the group of aromatic herbs and seeds such as black pepper, cinnamon, cloves, coriander, cardamom, chillies, cumin seeds, fenugreek, garlic, ginger, mustard, poppy seeds, turmeric, mace, nutmeg, curry leaves, white pepper, saffron and aniseeds. The material may contain added starch and edible common salt. The proportion of spices used in the preparation of curry powder shall be not less than 85.0 per cent by weight. The powder shall be free from dirt, mould growth and insect infestation. It shall be free from any added colouring matter and preservatives other than edible common salt.
The curry powder shall also conform to the following standards:—- Moisture Not more than 14.0 percent by weight
- Volatile oil Not less than 0.25 percent (v/w) on dry basis
- Non-volatile ether extract Not less than 7.5 per cent by weight on dry basis
- Edible common salt Not more than 5.0 per cent by weight on dry basis
- Ash insoluble in dilute HCl Not more than 2.0 per cent by weight on dry basis
- Crude Fibre Not more than 15.0 percent by weight on dry basis
- Lead Not more than 10.0 p.p.m on dry basis
- MIXED MASALA (WHOLE) means a mixture of clean, dried and sound aromatic herbs and spices. It may also contain dried vegetables and/or fruits, oilseeds, garlic, ginger, poppy seeds and curry leaves. It shall be free from added colouring matter. It shall be free from mould growth and insect infestation. The proportion of extraneous matter shall not exceed five per cent by weight, out of which the proportion of organic matter including foreign edible seeds and inorganic matter shall not exceed three per cent and two per cent respectively.
Aniseed (Saunf)
- Aniseed (Saunf) whole means the dried and mature fruit of Pimpinella anisum L. It shall have characteristic aromatic flavour and shall be free from mustiness. It shall be free from mould, living and dead insects, insect fragments, rodent contamination. The product shall be free from added colouring matter and harmful substances.
It shall conform to the following standards:—- Extraneous matter Not more than 2.0 percent by weight
- Shrivelled, immature, damaged / insect damaged /broken fruit Not more than 5.0 percent by weight
- Moisture Not more than 12.0 percent by weight
- Total ash on dry basis Not more than 9.0 percent by weight
- Ash insoluble in dilute HCl on dry basis Not more than 1.5 percent by weight
- Volatile oil content on dry basis Not less than 1.0 percent by v/w
- Insect damaged matter Not more than 1.0 percent by weight
- Foreign edible seeds Not more than 2.0 percent by weight
Ajowan (Bishops seed)
- Ajowan (Bishops seed) means the dried ripe fruits (seeds) of Trachyspermum ammi. L Sprague. It shall have characteristic aromatic flavour and shall be free from mustiness. It shall be free from mould, living and dead insects, insect fragments, rodent contamination. The product shall be free from added colouring matter and any other harmful substances.
It shall conform to the following standards:—- Moisture Not more than 11.0 percent by weight
- Extraneous matter Not more than 2.0 percent by weight
- Shrivelled / Damaged / insect damaged / broken fruit Not more than 2.0 percent by weight
- Volatile oil content on dry basis Not less than 1.5 percent v/w
Dried Mango Slices
- Dried Mango Slices–Means the dried wholesome, edible part of raw mango fruit with or without the outer skin. It shall be free from fungus, moulds and insect infestation, rodent contamination, added colouring, flavouring matter. It shall also be free from deleterious substances injurious to health. It shall not contain any preservative except edible common salt which may be added to the extent of 5 per cent by weight on dry basis. It shall have characteristic taste and flavour. The proportion of extraneous substance shall not exceed 4 per cent by weight out of which inorganic matter shall not exceed 2 per cent by weight.
It shall also conform to the following standards, namely :—- Moisture Not more than 12 per cent by weight
- Damaged slices Not more than 5 per cent by weight
- Seed Coatings Not more than 6 per cent by weight
Explanation:- Seed coatings shall be exterior covering of the seed
- Damaged slices mean the slices that are eaten by weevils or other insects and includes slices internally damaged by fungus, moisture or heating.
Dried Mango Powder (Amchur)
- Dried Mango Powder (Amchur)–Means the powder obtained by grinding clean and dried mango slices having characteristic taste and flavour. It shall be free from musty odour and objectionable flavour, rodent contamination, mould, fungus and insect infestation, extraneous matter and added colouring, flavouring matter. It shall also be free from deleterious substances injurious to health. It shall not contain any preservative except edible common salt which may be added to the extent of 5 per cent by weight on dry basis.
It shall also conform to the following standards, namely:—- Moisture Not more than 12 per cent by Weight
- Total ash (salt free basis) Not more than 6 per cent by weight
- Ash insoluble in dilute HCl Not more than 1.5 per cent by weight
- Crude fibre Not more than 6 per cent by weight
- Acidity as anhydrous tartaric acid Not less than 12 per cent and not more than 26 percent by weight
Pepper White
- Pepper White whole means the dried berries of Piper nigrum L. from which the outer pericap is removed with or without preliminary soaking in water and subsequent drying, if necessary. The berries shall be light brown to white in colour with a smooth surface. The berries on grinding shall have characteristic aromatic flavour and shall be free from mustiness. It shall be free from mould, living and dead insects, insect fragments, rodent contamination. The product shall be free from added colouring matter and any other harmful substances.
It shall conform to the following standards:—- Extraneous matter Not more than 0.8 percent by weight
- Broken Berries Not more than 3.0 percent by weight
- Black berries Not more than 5.0 percent by weight
- Bulk Density (gm/litre) Not less than 600 percent by weight
- Moisture Not more than 13.0 percent by weight
- Total ash on dry basis Not more than 3.5 percent by weight
- Non Volatile ether extract on dry basis Not less than 6.5 percent by weight
- Volatile oil content on dry basis Not less than 1.0 percent by v/w
- Peperine Content on dry basis Not less than 4.0 percent by weight
- Insect damaged matter Not more than 1.0 percent by weight
Explanation:-- Broken berries means berry that has been separated in two or more parts.
- Black Berry means berry of dark colour generally consisting of black pepper berry whose pericarp has not been fully removed.
- Pepper White powder means the powder obtained by grinding dried berries of Piper nigrum L. from which the outer pericarp is removed and to which no foreign matter is added. It shall have characteristic aromatic flavour and shall be free from mustiness. It shall be free from mould, living and dead insects, insect fragments, rodent contamination. The powder shall be free from added colouring matter and any other harmful substances.
It shall conform to the following standards:—- Moisture Not more than 13.0 percent by weight
- Total ash on dry basis Not more than 3.5 percent by weight
- Ash insoluble in dilute HCl on dry basis Not more than 0.3 percent by weight
- Crude fibre on dry basis Not more than 6.5 percent by weight
- Non Volatile ether extract on dry basis Not less than 6.5 percent by weight
- Volatile oil content on dry basis Not less than 0.7 percent by v/w
- Peperine Content on dry basis Not less than 4.0 percent by weight
Garlic (Lahsun)
- Dried (Dehydrated) Garlic (Lahsun) means the product obtained by drying by any suitable method which ensures characteristics of fresh garlic on rehydration the cloves of Allium sativum L. without bleaching or precooking. It shall be white to pale cream in colour, free from scorched, toasted and baked particles. It may be whole, sliced, quarters, pieces, flakes, kibbled, granules or powdered. The product on rehydration shall have characteristic pungent of odour of garlic, free from off odour, mustiness fermentation and rancidity. It shall be free from mould, living and dead insects, insect fragments, rodent contamination and fungal infection. The products shall be free from added colouring matter and any other harmful substances. It shall be free from stalks, peels, stems, and extraneous matter. When in powdered form, it shall be free flowing and free from agglomerates.
The products may contain food additives permitted in these regulations including Appendix – A and it shall conform to the following standards, namely:—- Extraneous matter Not more than 0.5 percent
- Moisture
- In case of powdered Garlic Not more than 5.0 percent by weight
- other than powdered Garlic Not more than 8.0 percent by weight
- Total ash on dry basis Not more than 5.0 percent by dry weight
- Ash insoluble in dil HCl Not more than 0.5 percent by weight
- Cold water soluble extract on dry basis Not less than 70.0 and not more than 90.0 percent by weight
- Volatile organic sulphur compound on dry basis Not less than 0.3 percent by weight
- Peroxidase test Negative
- Celery whole means the dried ripe fruits (seeds) of Apium graveoleans L. It shall be of uniform colour with characteristic aromatic flavour and shall be free from mustiness. It shall be free from mould, living and dead insects, insect fragments, rodent contamination. The product shall be free from added colouring matter and any other harmful substances.
It shall conform to the following standards:—- Extraneous matter Not more than 2.0 percent by weight
- Moisture Not more than 10.0 percent by weight
Dehydrated Onion (Sukha Pyaj)
- Dehydrated Onion (Sukha Pyaj) – means the product obtained by removal of most moisture by any acceptable method which ensures characteristics of fresh onions on rehyderation, from sound bulbs of Allium cepa.L. free from mould, disease, outer skin, leaves and roots. The product may be whole or in the form of slices, rings, flakes, pieces, small grits or powder. The product may be white/cream/pink or red in colour, free from stalks, peals, stems and extraneous matters and scorched particles. The finished product shall be free from discolouration or enzymatic reaction. The product on rehyderation shall be of characteristic flavour, free from foreign and off flavour, mustiness, fermentation and rancid flavour.
It shall be free from mould, living and dead insects, insect fragments and rodent contamination. The product shall be free from added colouring matter and any other harmful substances. When in powdered form, it shall be free flowing and free from agglomerates.
The products may contain food additives permitted in these regulations including Appendix – A and it shall conform to the following standards, namely:—- Extraneous matter Not more than 0.5 percent by weight
- Moisture
- In case of powdered onion Not more than 5.0 percent by weight
- Other than powdered onion Not more than 8.0 percent by weight
- Total Ash on dry basis Not more than 5.0 percent by weight
- Ash insoluble in dil HCl Not more than 0.5 percent by weight
- Peroxidase Negative
- ASAFOETIDA (Hing or Hingra) means the oleogumresin obtained from the rhizome and roots of Ferula alliaces, Ferula rubricaulis and other species of Ferula. It shall not contain any colophony resin, galbonum resin, ammoniaccum resin or any other foreign resin. Hing shall conform to the following standards, namely:
- Total ash content shall not exceed 15 per cent by weight
- Ash insoluble in dilute hydrochloric acid shall not exceed 2.5 per cent by weight
- The alcoholic extract (with 90 per cent alcohol) shall not be less than 12 per cent as estimated by the U.S.P. 1936 method
- Starch shall not exceed 1 per cent by weight
Hingra shall conform to the following standards namely:—
- The total ash content shall not exceed 20 per cent by weight
- Ash insoluble in dilute hydrochloric acid shall not exceed 8 per cent by weight
- The alcoholic extract (with 90 per cent alcohol) shall not be less than 50 per cent as estimated by the U.S.P. 1936 method
- Starch shall not exceed 1 per cent by weight
Compounded asafoetida or Bandhani Hing is composed of one or more varieties of asafoetida (Irani or Pathani Hing or both) and gum arabic, edible starches or edible cereal flour.
It shall not contain:—- colophony resin
- galbanum resin
- ammoniaccum resin
- any other foreign resin
- coal tar dyes
- mineral pigment
- more than 10 per cent total ash content
- more than 1.5 per cent ash insoluble in dilute hydrochloric acid
- less than 5 per cent alcoholic extract, (with 90 per cent of alcohol) as estimated by the U.S.P. 1936 method
- EDIBLE COMMON SALT means a crystalline solid, white, pale, pink or light grey in colour free from contamination with clay, grit and other extraneous adulterant and impurities. It shall not contain moisture in excess of six per cent of the weight of the undried sample. The sodium chloride content (as NaCl) and matter soluble in water other than sodium chloride on dry weight basis shall be as specified in columns (2) and (3) of the Table below against the period of validity mentioned in the corresponding entry in column (1) of the said Table. The matter insoluble in water shall not exceed 1.0 per cent by weight on dry weight basis.
Period of Validity Minimum percentage of sodium chloride content as NaCl(on dry basis) Maximum Percentage of matter solublein water other than sodium chloride (on dry basis) Upto 31-3-1982 94.0 5.0 From 1-4-1982 to 31-3-1983 94.5 4.5 From 1-4-1983 to 31-3-1984 95.0 4.0 From 1-4-1984 to 31-3-1985 95.5 3.5 From 1-4-1985 onwards 96.0 3.0
The product may contain food additives permitted in these regulations including Appendix A. The total matter insoluble in water where an anticaking agent has been added shall not exceed 2.2 percent and sodium chloride content on dry basis shall not be less than 97.0 percent by weight. - IODISED SALT means a crystalline salt, white or pale, pink or light grey in colour, free from contamination with clay, grit and other extraneous adulterants and impurities. It shall conform to the following standards, namely:—
- Moisture Not more than 6.0 per cent by weight of the undried sample
- Sodium Chloride (NaCl) Not less than 96.0 per cent by weight on dry basis
- Matter insoluble in water Not more than 1.0 per cent by weight on dry basis
- Matter soluble in water Other than Sodium Chloride Not more than 3.0 per cent by weight on dry basis
- Iodine content at—
- Manufacture level Not less than 30 parts per million on dry weight basis
- Distribution channel including retail level Not less than 15 part per million on dry weight basis
The product may contain food additives permitted in these regulations including Appendix A. The total matter insoluble in water where an anticaking agent has been added shall not exceed 2.2 percent and sodium chloride content on dry basis shall not be less than 97.0 percent by weight
- IRON FORTIFIED COMMON SALT means a crystalline solid, white or pale, pink or light grey in colour, free from visible contamination with clay and other extraneous adulterants and impurities. It shall conform to the following standards namely:—
- Moisture Not more than 5.0 per cent by weight
- Water insoluble matter Not more than 1.0% on dry weight basis
- Chloride content as Nacl Not less than 96.5% by weight on dry weight basis
- Matter insoluble in dilute HCl Not more than 3.0 % by weight on dry weight basis, (to be determined by the method specified in IS 253-1970)
- Matter soluble in water other than Nacl Not more than 2.5% on dry weight weight basis
- Iron content (as Fe) 850-1100 parts per million
- Phosphorous as Inorganic (PO4 ) 1500-2000 parts per million
- Sulphate as (SO4) Not more than 1.1% by weight
- Magnesium as (Mg) water soluble Not more than 0.10% by weight
- pH value in 5% aqueous Solution 2 to 3.5
The product may contain food additives permitted in these regulations including Appendix A. The total matter insoluble in water where an anticaking agent has been added shall not exceed 2.2 percent on dry weight basis.
- POTASSIUM IODATE means a crystalline powder, white in colour free from impurities. It shall confirm to the following standards namely:—
- Potassium Iodate (as KIO3) percent by weight Not less than 99.0
- Solubility Soluble in ’30 Parts of water
- Iodine (as I) per cent by wt. not more than 0.002
- Sulphate (as SO4) per cent by wt. not more than 0.02
- Bromate, bromide, chlorate & chloride percent by wt. not more than 0.01
- Matter insoluble in water percent by wt. not more than 0.10
- Loss on drying percent by wt. not more than0.1
- PH (5 percent solution) Neutral
- Heavy metal (as Pb) ppm not more than 10
- Arsenic (as As) ppm not more than 3
- Iron (as Fe) ppm not more than 10
- Iron Fortified Iodized Salt (double fortified salt) means a crushed Crystalline Solid; white or pale or pink pr light grey in colour, free from contamination with clay and other extraneous adulterants and impurities. Salt used for manufacture of double fortified salt shall have minimum 99.0 percent sodium chloride content on dry weight basis when ferrous sulphate is used for fortification; minimum 98 per cent sodium chloride on dry weight basis when ferrous fumarate in encapsulated form is used for fortification.” and it shall conform to the following standards namely:—
- Moisture Not more than 1.5 per cent by weight
- Water insoluble matter Not more than 1.0% on dry weight basis.
- Chloride content (as NaCl) Not less than 97.0% on dry weight basis
- Matter insoluble in dilute HCl Not more than 0.30 % on dry weight basis
- Matter soluble in water other than Nacl Not more than 2.5% on dry weight basis
- Iron content (as Fe) 850-1100 parts per million
- Iodine content:
- Manufacturers level Not less than 30 ppm
- Distribution Channel including Retail level Not less than 15 ppm
- Phosphorous as P2O5 Not more than 3100 parts per million
- Sulphate as (SO4) Not more than 1.1% by weight
- Magnesium as (Mg) water soluble Not more than 0.10% by weight
- pH value in 5% aqueous Solution 3.5 to 7.5
“Provided that the double fortified salt may contain food additives permitted in Appendix A and Hydroxy Propyl Methyl Cellulose, Titanium dioxide, fully Hydrogenated Soyabean oil and Sodium Hexametaphosphate (all food grades) at concentration of not more than GMP and anti-caking agent not more than 2.0 percent on dry weight basis and the water insoluble matter wherein anti-caking agent is used shall not exceed 2.2 percent.”
christine says
Great article. Is ash content higher in meat curry powder or fish curry powder?
FSH Team says
As per the Indian Food Safety Standards, no specific standards for Meat Curry Powder and Fish Curry Powder given separately. So, these are treated as proprietary foods and hence no maximum or minimum limits for Ash content have been prescribed for these products. In general, the ash contents depends upon the amount of presence of Edible common salt in the product, however as per Indian FSSR, the standards for Curry Powder are prescribed. Apart from other parameters, in the curry powder, the Edible common salt should not exceed more than 5 percent and Ash content should not be more than 2 percent by weight on dry basis.
divya says
is it compulsory to adulteration of anticaking agent like;calciumcarbonate etc.?
while we know that it is very harmful to us.
why you permit many adulterants in foods.
Dr. Saurabh Arora says
Hi these are additives and not adulterants. additives are approved only once they have been duly evaluated and found to be safe.
Sanjay says
What specifications to followed for mixed spices like garam masala, chat masala, pani puri masala pickle masala and onion garlic chutney
Sanjay says
FSSAI specifications for Blended Spices Powders like garam masala, chat masala,
also for onion garlic chutney
Anand says
Nice article on foods. Rock salt is a natural available salt with no process. How to label for rock salt?
Devanand says
I am a farmer.I am growing turmeric in my farm.The crop will be ready in March17.I want to process it and make powder.What will have I to do to ohtain FSSAI Certificate?How much is the fees?
FSH Team says
You can read from the given link – https://www.fssai.gov.in/upload/uploadfiles/files/Compendium_Licensing_Regulations.pdf
Rahul Dutt says
Do I need to take fssai approval to start a curry powder business. I want to manufacture curry powder and sell it so I need to know if there is any regulations for it or approval needed for it. If there is any approval needed please guide me the procedure.
Thank you
FSH Team says
To apply for license/registration you can go through the online process – https://foodlicensing.fssai.gov.in/index.aspx