All food imports have to be in compliance with standards laid down by the FSSAI so that unsafe and substandard food is not imported into the country. In march 2017 the FSSAI also notified the Food Safety and Standards (Import) Regulations, 2017. These regulations have laid down detailed and clear procedures for all matters related […]
Top Queries on FSSAI Licensing & Product Approval Answered by FoodSafetyHelpline
FoodSafetyHelpline replied to the following Top Questions: Question: I want to understand that whether it is necessary for Duty-Free Shop import to get the FSSAI clearance. Sale done at Duty-Free Shop is categorized as deemed export and FSSAI regulation is based on domestic consumption. If any notification is issued by FSSAI in respect to Duty-Free […]
FSSAI has developed Standard Operating Procedures (SoP) for Clearance of Food Imports
To make it easy for importers to clear imported food, FSSAI has developed Standard Operating Procedure (SoP) with the aim of providing online Food Import Clearance at all FSSAI ports. However, all food importers must ensure that they have the proper documents as they will be needed to be uploaded with the online application. The […]