FoodSafetyHelpline Answers the following queries:
Question: Do I have to take FSSAI certificate to export some food products?
Answer: You have to obtain a Central License from The Food Safety & Standards Authority of India. If you are doing 100% Export of you food products then read the following article: Exporting FBOs
Question: If I want to market a third party manufactured finished product with my brand name, do I have to procure an FSSAI License?
Answer: Yes, you will have to obtain a License under The Food Safety & Standards Act, 2006.
Question: Does proprietary food items are allowed to add herbs?
Answer: Herbs can be added to the proprietary food articles, provided those herbs are allowed to be used in the standardized products (standards are prescribed for such herbs). FSSAI had issued draft regulations where they have discussed herbs. You can read more on this: Draft regulations on Nutraceuticals & Health Supplements
Question: Are the Additives produced by microbial fermentation are permitted?
Answer: Yes, they can be produced by microbial fermentation. But the food product should meet the microbial requirements as prescribed under Appendix B of the Food Safety & Standards (Food Products Standards & Food Additives) Regulations, 2011.
Question: If I want to market a third party manufactured finished product with my brand name do I have to procure an FSSAI License?
Answer: Yes, you will have to obtain a license under The Food Safety & Standards Act, 2006. You will also have to ensure that the manufacturer of the food product is also licensed under FSSAI regulations.
Question: I am purchasing pre-packed food from manufacturers in multiple states. Now, I want to repackage that food under my brand name and sell it. Is it legally possible? Also, which licenses I need to take for the same?
Answer: You will have to obtain a license/registration for a re-packer. Now there is an online procedure for the same.
Question: Shall FSSAI issue license for Proprietary Food?
Answer: You have to contact the licensing authority of your area concerned.
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