Top Questions of the week answered by FoodSafetyHelpline Experts
Question: My kitchen will be used for cooking for tourists who will be staying in my bungalow. Will the kitchen need registration?
Answer: legally speaking, you should apply for the license/registration as per your annual turnover. Read more to know about Licensing and Registration:
Procedure for obtaining a License
Question: We are currently in the hospitality business. We are going to start a different business where we would be sourcing food items such as tea powder, cereals, spices (turmeric, pepper), jaggery etc. from 2 retailers who already have FSSAI licenses, and we will be reselling it under a new brand name.
(i) Do we need to have a separate FSSAI license to resell these products if we mention the supplier’s details on the label, since the suppliers are themselves retailers with FSSAI licenses?
Answer (i): You need a license/registration. If you are using the same facility for your new business activity then you have to go for the modification of your existing license/registration. If you have a new facility for your new business activity then you have to separately apply for the license/registration.
(ii) If FSSAI is required, would an FSSAI registration, (rather than a license), be sufficient? If a license is required, would we have to apply for a Central or State license?
Answer (ii): Whether you require a License or Registration, it will depend upon the annual turnover of your business. To know more on FSSAI Licensing & Registration, you can go through this video presentation.
Question: I have been doing food business for past 5 years. I have FSSAI license. My products are namkeen, corn puff, and soft drinks. Can I add food additives colors in my product for good appearance. And how much quantity I should add food additives colors, tetrazine ,sunset yellow in ppm.
Answer: You have to follow the guidelines as specified under FSS (Food Products Standards & Food Additives) Regulations, 2011. Please read Regulation 3.1.2 (4), (6) & (7) of Food Safety & Standards Regulations.
Question: I want to apply for new a licence – state licence online. Which type of documents are required?
Answer: One can apply online for the obtaining a license. Click here to know about the documents required for the License.
Question: One of our clients is storing MSG in their warehouse. Are there any guidelines to be followed for storing MSG?
Answer: The License/Registration is required under FSS Act, Rules & Regulations. Also, the conditions of the license have to be followed.
Question: Could you confirm us if my product is RUTF, which contains SMP, Sugar, Peanuts and vitamins-minerals in descending order. what will be IFC code, Sub category code and Codex code. It is necessary Product Approval?
Answer: In our opinion, the products which are being used for Therapeutic Purposes are not covered under FSS Act, Rules & Regulations.
Question: Actually I have a very small business of selling Milk. Now I am planning to grow and want to sell the packaged milk (presently not at national level but in my city) but I don’t know where to start and how to start. So please guide me. Can you tell me what are the legal requirements and how to get FSSAI licence for Milk Packaging and where to apply and how much will cost?
Answer: The Food Safety & Standards (Licensing & Registration of Food Businesses) Regulations, 2011 have specified the guidelines for Milk & Milk Products. You can read Part II & Part III of Schedule 4. For the information on licensing & registration, you can go through this webinar recording.
Question: Can we use an animated picture of cow or any other animal on the packaging ?
Answer: There should not be any false or misleading impression. For example if you are selling the cow milk then buffalo picture on the label will be a false impression, hence labelling violation.
Question: I am an Amway business owner. I want registration certificate of FSSAI. But my area food safety inspector said it can’t be done on residential address. It it true. It yes then how can I register my self. As Amway business is home based business?
Answer: Food safety officer has to be satisfied with your nature of business as you have to meet the guidelines of FSS act, Rules & regulations.
Question: How to define veg.& non veg. in restaurant’s menu.Is there any special guideline for this?
Answer: The Food Safety & Standards (Packaging & Labelling) Regulations, 2011 have specified the guidelines for the same and Veg & Non-Veg Symbol has to be mentioned on the restaurant Menu. You can further read on Declaration of Veg & Non-Veg.
Question: I am getting dry snacks from a manufacturer but want to sell them under my brand name, so what are the label compulsions and what license do we require?
Answer: You and the Manufacturer have to obtain a license and have to follow the requirements of Licensing & Labelling.
Question: I am an associate of a mnc and doing business of distribution of food after my registration with the Company in January 2014. Is it necessary to calculate amount of turnover for Calendar Year January to December or April to March?
Answer: April 1 to March 31.
Question: We want to launch a non-carbonated soft drink in the market. This product is defined in the Indian Food code under chapter But I can’t find it in the FSSR. Will product approval be required ? Kindly elaborate.
Answer: It will be a non-standardized food product and and as per the requirements of Section 22 of FSS Act, 2006, this required prior approval from the food authority. Currently Product Approval Process has been stopped by FSSAI.
Question: We manufacture pickles , sauces and pastes which contains Sunflower oil, cotton seed oil and mustard oil individually in above mentioned products. do we also have to now declare trans fat and saturated fat on the label. please guide
Answer: Nutritional information is exempted for pickles. For sauces and pastas, regarding the declaration of trans fat & saturated fats, the extension has been given until 31.12.2015.
Question: What all registration or papers needed for selling(packing and labelling) raw milk. For the particular case how can we include Tue expeiry date..?? Do we need registration if the packing is done manual..or semi automatic, with a name on milk pouch?
Answer: FSS (Licensing & Registration of Food Businesses) Regulations, 2011 have defined guidelines for Milk & Milk products, Part 3 of schedule 4. You have to follow the Food labelling guidelines as per the packaging & labelling regulations.
vikram shah says
We want to register New Products. As per the information the Registration of New Product is on Hold. Is it true.
If want to apply for registration of new product whether it will be accepted by
Delhi office?
Mahendra sahu says
I have selling mustered oil in our local area. I have license only for to sell limited amounts of quantity in market. Now I want to sell my products in whole sale and out side of city.
Now a days through online we can sell the products.
So please help me to how can I get state and country license to sell our products in market through online and offline dealer or retailer or wholesale with my own products tag name.
D Shivamurthy says
I would like to sell raw milk about 100 to 200 lts per day under a unique name in pouch. Is it FSSAI licence is required? I am selling within state (Karnataka) so only state licence is sufficient or central licence also required?
FSH Team says
Yes, you can read through the given url – https://www.fssai.gov.in/upload/uploadfiles/files/Compendium_Licensing_Regulations.pdf
sagar says
I want to start tea powder manufacturer business. In my village. Which licence required for selling in maharashtra. Where to contact.
FSH Team says
You can go through this portal for information regarding license – https://foodlicensing.fssai.gov.in/index.aspx
I want to sell my product on customer demand with home delivery( manual plastic packaging )..without food license is it possible ? if not any other way to excuse food license
Narenn says
I have 5 cows. Presently I sell the milk to local dairy but now I am planning to start a retail counter to sell my milk. Note that I will not do any processing on the milk except chilling. I will also not sell the milk in packaged condition or under any brand name. Do I still need to obtain license for selling the raw milk over the counter. If yes then which license will I need to apply to? Thank you in advance.
Abhijeet Trivedi says
I am sourcing mustard oil directly from the manufacturer but manufacturer does not have fssai licence so what type of licence required to sell them under my own brand.
Piyush Sharma says
Iam Planning For New Buissness Of Chilly Powder And Turmeric Powder so cannyou please tell me which documents are required .
FSH Team says
Please explain for which purpose you are asking for documents.
Liubov says
Pls, may you confirm, for Jaggery manufacturing plant whether I need licenses or registration in uttarakhand
FSH Team says
In case if the turnover of your business is below 12 lakh per annum then only registration is enough. But if the turnover is more than 12 lakh per annum then License is mandatory.
Srushti Yadav says
my relative have a turmeric field and therefore i am thinking of starting a business by branding , packaging and selling the turmeric powder so what are the licences requires and document required for the same.
Satish Mishra says
Really helpful website.
Yusraa Khan says
I want to sell a garbage dissolving chemical under my name which license do I require