The restaurant industry is one of the fastest growing industry verticals in the recent times, reason being, people prefer to dine outside due to taste, preferences and the changing lifestyle. Restaurant business is a lucrative idea but one must thoroughly investigate the prerequisites to avoid legal complications.
If you are in the process of setting up a restaurant then you need to check the following licenses/NOCs issued from different regulatory bodies in order to comply with the norms:
Food License: It is one of the primary requirements to a obtain a license under FSS (Licensing & Registration of Food Businesses) Regulations 2011. Every restaurant owner has to first register their business with FSSAI as running a restaurant business without a license will be treated as a legal offense and this would invite penalties. One can check the eligibility criteria for Registration, State Licensing & Central Licensing. Please refer the following link for Central Licensing Procedure. http://foodlicensing.fssai.gov.in/UserLogin/Login.aspx?
Health Trade License:Â The restaurant owner has to obtain a health / trade license which is issued by the municipal corporation or the health department of the concerned state.
License for Eating House: The restaurant owner has to apply for the Eating House License under the city/state police headquarters and the police commissioner – Licensing.is authorized to grant this license. In most of the cities the applicant can apply online for grant of the registration certificate. For Example in Delhi, one can apply through: (http://delhipolicelicensing.gov.in/eating/eating-house.htm#section1)
Fire Security Certificate:Â The restaurant premises should have proper fire security arrangements and for this one has to acquire NOC from the fire department. Once you apply, the inspection would be carried out and the decision will be taken by the officials of the Fire Department for the grant of the NOC.
Liquor/Bar license:Â The Liquor license L-4 (L-17 as per new excise rule) is required if Liquor is served in the restaurant. The Liquor license can be obtained from the Excise Commissioner of the city/region of the state. (http://delhi.gov.in/wps/wcm/connect/doit_excise/Excise/Home/Licences/)
Approval/Re-Approval of Restaurants:Â If restaurants are looking to acquire L-4 license then they have to take prior approval from the department of Tourism of the Govt. of India in the concerned state.
Lift clearance:Â The restaurants with multi story building premises shall have to get clearance from the electrical inspector of the office of the labor commissioner, to ensure that the lift operations comply with the safety norms.
License for playing music/video:Â If recorded music or video is to be played in the premises then one has to obtain a license in compliance to the Copyright Act of 1957 and the license can be obtained from Phonographic Performance Limited or Indian performing Right Society. The links for your reference:Â http://www.pplindia.org/licctg.aspx, http://www.iprs.org/cms/
Environmental Clearance:Â A NOC from the pollution board of the city/state is required by the restaurants for ensuring that their activities are not violating pollution norms.
Insurances required:Â The restaurants have to take insurance for public liability, Product liability, fire policy & for building & Asset. Insurance policies can be obtained from any insurance company providing such insurances.
Signage license: Restaurants can obtain this license from the local civic bodies like Municipal Committee or City Corporation.
Shop & Establishment Act:Â Restaurants have to obtain license under the prescribed Act as applicable to the concerned state.
Approval from the Weights & Measures Department: As per the Legal Metrology Act, 2009, you have to go for the Approval of models of weighing & measuring instruments from the Weights & Measures Department.
It is the responsibility of the owner of the restaurant to meet all the requisites like obtaining licenses and their timely renewal.
* It is important to note here that all previous food laws & orders have been repealed and have been consolidated under one Act i.e. FSS Act, 2006. So if you are carrying a license issued under previous food laws then you have to convert you license to the FSS Act and have to comply with the requirements & provisions of FSS Act, Rules & Regulations.
Vinay Hastak says
This information is found very useful and practically handy for us.
FSH Team says
Thanks for visiting and we appreciate your time. Do share your feedback to help us build this site.
Sameer bhati says
Dear sir,
I need to complent about one of restaurant in my area who run without any license from last one year. I pay my all tex to government and it is very painful that they run a business with paying any tex.
Plz help me.
FSH Team says
You can share you concern on the following link: https://foodlicensing.fssai.gov.in/cmsweb/
Khan says
I m foreigner
Want to open small resturant
What are the conditions ???
kishore says
Very sound knowledge imparted by you
Dr. Saurabh Arora says
Neelam says
I need to get fire safety done in my resturant in delhi
FSH Team says
Read this article: http://foodsafetyhelpline.com/2014/04/what-all-licenses-are-required-to-run-a-restaurant-business/
Divya says
Its is one of the most useful website i have come across recently. Thanks for all the important and timely updates.
FSH Team says
Thank You!
Rhythm goel says
Sir want to know about charges of these licence in delhi i want to open an restro and bar in cp and want to know about all the licence charges plzzz hlp me to know u can mail me on [email protected] or msg or call me on 9810152265
My name is rhythm goel
Plzz help me out with this
Wasim khan says
How can I register and copy right for my restaurant name in Delhi what is the process and what are the documents required just for registration of the restaurant name and copy right that’s it
Right now i am working in a private company as i am looking to setup restaurant in Delhi after couple of weeks please help me
I have already talk many people regarding only registration and they ask me 10k to 15k just for registration only
Mps jolly says
Thanks very intresting and informative …..but at same time most of licences are laced with grafting demnd by officials how to prevent that….this is despite best possible comliances. Is it possible or should be issued on line .
Pradip Ghosh says
This information are very helpful. Please provide me further that From where I can have the licence @ Food and Fire and for eating house in the vicinity of Kolaghat , Midnapore, West Bengal.
Nikhil Arora says
Hello Team,
Can you please help us with what all specific licenses we need to open a small take away joint in Gurgaon.. We are confused on different licenses of Delhi and Gurgaon.
Look forward for your response.
Please confirm me there is need water testing license or not and also other required of bouncer
also suggest for electricity licensee
akhil says
am opening a new fast food restaurant in Kerala.i want to opening a counter service in a mall,so i need the rules and regulations in kerala.
amin says
Virendra Kumar says
I want to facilitate lunch boxes in student hostels/Offices in Uattar Pradesh(India)
I want to start it initially from my house.
Do I need all certificates for this?
FSH Team says
p vrao says
very useful information & keep going
mukund bhgawt says
this information is very useful for all, one who is running this business and two who wants to enter into it.
kishan says
i found the information very helpful. does one have to get fssai linense for food business turnover under 20L
FSH Team says
As per FSSAI Regulations, If turnover of your food business is less than 12 lakh then you need only registration.
madan patanaik says
Which licence applying first, food or fire?
srikanth says
i m planning to bulit a 24 hours dhaba in my area in highway what are the rules and permission to built 24 hrs dhaba plss hepl me as soon as possible
i have to take any licence to run 24 hrs dhaba
Vivek Partap says
I need to start a Chinese kiosk in cafeteria or mall all items will be sourced from reputed manufacturers in pre cooked state I just have to steam them, heat them or fry them to serv. What all licences I need to obtain.
nishank mittal says
i want 2 knw about investment
if start a new restau, bar, hokka business in delhi
Rahul says
Hi This is Rahul, from Kolkata.
I’m planning to open a Bar/Lounge in kolkata which serves Food, Hookah and Liquors.
Kindly please let me what what all documentation and licenses do i need to start my business.
Your help is very much appreciated.
Awaiting your response.
jagpreet kaur says
If anyone interested to find the best and top class Fire extinguisher dealer in Chandigarh then visit real star fire component. You user can get best fire services just visit here online.
S I Husain says
A restaurant ( without Bar) is operating from our premises for last ten years in spite of our continuous objection. Our building is a residential building of B+ G+ M+ 3 story in central Kolkata. In the building sanction plan there is no provision of Hotel/ restaurant but on the ground floor a show room is ear marked without any kitchen provision in the plan. They are using the basement as go down instead of car parking, blocked the ingress/ outguess of basement and erected a big chimney through our outer building wall as well as encroached the ingress. On our complaint Fire Deptt.revoked their FSC/ Fire License. Consequently KMC has also not renewed their Trade License during current year. Although we have informed the Local Police station about revocation of F L and non renewal of trade License but neither police nor Fire Dept. is taking any action. KMC is also silent.. WBPCB states that the noise and pollutions are within the limit of norms as such they had granted Pollution clearance certificate in total disregard to the sanctioned building plan and violation in the basement as well as encroachment. How to deal with WBPCB? What is the role of Health Deptt. in regulating the restaurant business? What is to be done in this situation to get the operation stopped?
sv trading co says
can you provide challan
Siddhi says
Do we need both health and trade license?
what are the criteria for getting them?
nirjesh says
here is that if i want to open restaurent that visited many department, even too much diffcult to clear one.
so that i request please arrange on one table.
99% reastaurents running in delhi without licence due to lanthy procisure.
what a rubbish minded making this rule.
Roshan says
Hi can i open my food outlet in gurgaon corporate?
FSH Team says
Hi Roshan,
We believe, you mean to say “Corporate Canteen”, yes you can open and need to register your food business from FSSAI.
what is the procedure and documents required for health and trade certificate?
Harkirat says
Thanks, very useful info.
utkarsh says
I am planing to open a Non veg Restaurant on the first floor of building as in ground floor their is a Model shop. Will it work!!!
kulbhushan says
does a restaurant need any licence for live ghazal performances
Samuel says
Hi FSH team,
The above mentioned are the total number of licenses for a restaurant as per 2017? Do we still pay Hafta if we have all these licenses above.
Deepak says
Need to file a complaint against a restaurant serving stale and sub-standard food..when i asked them about their FSSAI license details, they refused to share same with me and also they are not giving tax paid bills either…when confronted on this, i was told that they do not have GST no even…
FSH Team says
FSSAI has an app for complaints you can complaint through this app – https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fssai.fssai
Danish says
Sir I want to start a packing of kids confectionery food into the pet jars.please inform me about all licenses that I have to need it for starting.
Gururaj P_atil says
What licenses i need to run a night delivery only unit.
FSH Team says
Give more details about your business.
Nitesh says
Hi team, you are doing well.
Need your help with detailed information on opening a restaurant in New Delhi. To be precise, I need details on obtaining various license (not for alcohol).
hiii… we are running a 3 star hotel 24 hrs food court is one of our outlet….required any special licence for running a 24 hours food court
pls help me
Rohit says
Sir I wish to open a 24×7 restaurant in Delhi. what additional licenses do I need to operate 24×7?
Sayid Baqir says
I am a foreigner and I want to open a restaurant in New Delhi , so how can I take a restaurant license from the Indian government ?
Amol says
Anyone want to open their Mobile Restaurant, i. e. Food Truck, kindly reach me on Watsapp 9892874620- Navi Mumbai.
Manish Dubey says
I would like to open restaurant in Hydeerabad.Is your branch is in Hyderabad so one can support me to obtain statutory documents required
MANSI says
faisal says
i need licence for open my restraurent in night upto 1 am