Through an order dated 24 February, 2020 the FSSAI has issued directions regarding the display of “Date of Manufacturing” and “Best before Date” for sweets. There have been reports of instances where the sale of stale or expired sweets have been sold to consumers and this poses a potential health hazard. Therefore, the FSSAI is […]
FSSAI Issues Directions on Packaging of Drinking Water and Migration Limits of Antimony and DEHP
FSSAI Issues Directions on Packaging of Drinking Water and Migration Limits of Antimony and DEHP FSSAI has issued directions dated 07 February 2020 regarding the immediate operationalisation of Food Safety and Standards (Packaging) Amendment Regulations, 2020 relating to specific migration limits of Antinomy and Phthalic acid, bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester (DEHP) and Packaging of Drinking Water. The [...]