The food business operators who are covered under the criteria of state license, the eligibility of which has been defined as per the table clarifying items under the Central/State Licensing & Registration by the Food Safety & Standards Authority of India. The table includes suggestions from various stakeholders. S. No. Food Processing Units Existing Criteria […]
Registration criteria for the catering or food service establishment
Any food establishment or the food business operator whose annual turnover is upto 12 lacs has to obtain a registration certificate which can be obtained from either the state authority or the municipal authority as notified by the commissioner of food safety. But the food catering services in the establishments and units under the Central […]
Schedule 4: PART IV
Specific Hygienic and Sanitary Practices to be followed by Food Business Operators engaged in manufacture, processing, storing and selling of Meat and Meat Products Slaughter House Food Business Operator which slaughters large animals and small animals including sheep and goat or poultry birds within the premises of his factory for production of meat/ meat products […]