Through an order dated 29 October, 2020 the FSSAI has issued a notice regarding the extension period for modification of license by existing FSSAI licensed manufacturers without modification fees.
The FSSAI has referred to its order dated 28 May 2020 where FSSAI had mentioned that existing FSSAI Licensed Manufacturers could modify their existing licenses without any modification fee till 31 December 2020. (In case of existing FBOs, holding valid licenses for manufacturing of food products, they shall be required to modify their existing license upon migrating to new system i.e. FoSCoS (https://foscos.fssai.gov.in) by selecting the products from an available list of standardised products. A window for modification of license, without any modification fee has been provided to such licensed manufacturers for period up to 31st December 2020.)
Consequent to the approval of the Food Authority in its 31st meeting held on 20 October 2020, the FSSAI has now extended the time period to 30 June 2021, for the modification of license by existing FSSAI Licensed Manufacturers, without any modification fee.
About FoSCoS
Since 2011, the FSSAI’s online licensing platform FLRS (Food Licensing and Registration System) has been the soul of the licensing ecosystem with 100% India (all State and UTs) coverage, 70 lakh licenses/ registrations issued till date, over 40 lakhs licensees/ registrants actively transacting on it.
FSSAI has now launched its cloud based, upgraded new food safety compliance online platform called Food Safety Compliance System (FoSCoS, URL- https://foscos.fssai.gov.in). It will replace the existing FLRS (URL – https://foodlicensing.fssai.gov.in). FoSCoS is conceptualized to provide one point stop for all engagement of an FBO with the department for any regulatory compliance transaction. FoSCoS has been integrated with FoSCoRIS mobile app and will soon integrate with present IT platforms of FSSAI such as INFOLNet, FoSTaC, FICS etc. Sample management, improvement notices, adjudications, audit management system etc activities/ modules will be enabled in phased manner in future. Technologies such as GPS location tagging, picture capture etc will be utilised in future to ensure transparent and accountable extension field services such inspections and sampling. In future it will be integrated with other platforms of Government of India such as GST, PAN, MCA etc. to ensure a 360degree profiling and validation of businesses. A single regulatory platform will enable pan India integrated response system to any food fraud and ensure an advanced risk based, data driven regulatory approach. For the start, FoSCoS will be offering licensing, registration, inspection and annual return modules.
Food Safety Compliance System (FoSCoS) had been operational in 9 States/UTs viz. Tamil Nadu, Delhi, Gujarat, Odisha, Chandigarh, Goa, Manipur, Puducherry and Ladakh with effect from 1st June 2020. FSSAI has now extended FoSCoS to entire country from 1st November 2020.
Source : FSSAI
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