The FSSAI has through its letter dated 9 March 2018 has informed Food Safety Officers about the revisions that have been made in the inspection checklist which will help them inspect food businesses more efficiently. The revised inspection checklists were placed for comments in the 20th CAC meeting held on 22 August 2017, and the same was also uploaded on FSSAI’s websites for comments.
The revised existing checklists are objective in nature and each point carries marks. They will be helpful in identifying the level of compliance with each requirement that is set out in the FSS Act, 2006. The inspection checklists are based on the revised Schedule 4 of the Food and Safety Standards (Licensing and Registration of Food Business) Regulations 2011 and have been developed for the following kinds of businesses
- General manufacturing
- Milk processing
- Meat processing
- Slaughterhouse
- Catering
- Retail
- Transport
- Storage and warehouse
The inspection checklist has been divided into five major sections
- Design and facilities
- Control of operations
- Maintenance and sanitation
- Personal Hygiene
- Training and complaint handling
The Food Safety Officer will inspect the facility of the FBO according to the requirements as laid down in the inspection checklist and accordingly will mark the finding as
- Compliance (C) (yes the requirement is fully documented and implemented. Adherence with the requirement with no major or minor conformance is observed)
- Non-compliance (NC) (no the requirement is not documented and implemented. No adherence with requirement with non-conformance is observed)
- Partial compliance (PC) (requirement is partially implemented but not documented or partially documented but not implemented. A non-conformity that based on the judgment and experience of the PSO is not likely to result in the failure of the food safety management system or reduce its ability to assure controlled processes or products. It may be either a failure in some part to a specified requirement or a single observed lapse. Partial compliance is not applicable to asterisk marked requirements as they are critical to food safety.)
- Not applicable/ not observed (NA) (requirements are not applicable for FBO and hence be observed.)
All the requirements are allotted 2 marks and there are few requirements which are asterisk marked (*) which are allotted 4 marks. Nonobservance to any of the asterisk marks finding will lead to Non-compliance as they are critical to food safety. Each find will be awarded marks as follows
S. No | Finding | Marks to be awarded | Marks to be awarded for
Asterisk mark question(*) |
1. | Compliance (C) | 2 | 4 |
2. | Non Compliance (NC) | 0 | 0 |
3. | Partial Compliance (PC) | 1 | 0 |
4. | Non Applicable/ Not observed (NA) | 2 | 4 |
Subsequently awarding marks as per the finding against the requirements, total marks are calculated and based on the final marks, grading of the FBO is done. The grading has been divided into 4 levels as follows
Grade | Status | Marks required |
A+ | Compliance – Exemplar | 90% and above |
A | Compliance- Satisfactory | 80% – 89% |
B | Needs Improvement | 50% – 79% |
No grade | Non-Compliance | Below 50% |
Date | FBO name | ||
Food Safety Officer | FBO’s Representative | ||
FBO Licence No. | Address |
Indicate the following as C, NC, PC or NA
S.No | Audit Question | Scoring | |
1 | Food establishment has an updated FSSAI license and is displayed at a prominent location | 2 | |
I | Design & Facilities | 2 | |
2. | Food premises provide adequate working space, permits maintenance and cleaning to prevent entry of dirt, dust, and pests | 2 | |
3. | The internal structure and fittings are made of non-toxic and impermeable material | 2 | |
4. | Walls, ceilings, and doors are free from flaking paint or plaster, condensation and shedding particles | 2 | |
5. | Floors are non-slippery and sloped appropriately | 2 | |
6. | Windows are kept closed and fitted with insect-proof screen when opening to an external environment | 2 | |
7. | Doors are close fitted to avoid entry of pests | 2 | |
8. | Equipment and containers are made of non-toxic, impervious, non-corrosive material which is easy to clean and disinfect | 2 | |
9. | The premise has sufficient lighting | 2 | |
10. | Adequate ventilation is provided within premises | ||
11. | Adequate storage facility for food packing materials, chemicals, personal items etc. are available | 2 | |
12. | Personnel hygiene facilities are available. (Adequate number of hand washing facilities, toilets, change rooms rest & refreshment rooms etc.) | 2 | |
13* | Potable water (meeting standards of IS:10500) is used as a product ingredient or in contact with food or food contact surface and tested for quality semi-annually (check for records ) | 4 | |
14. | Food material is tested either through internal laboratory or through an accredited lab (check for records) | 2 | |
II | Control of Operations | ||
15. | Incoming material procured as per internally laid down specifications and from approved vendors. Check for records (specifications, name, and address of the supplier, batch no. and quantity procured etc. | 2 | |
16. | The raw material is inspected for food safety hazards at the time of receiving | 2 | |
17. | The incoming material, semi or final products are stored according to their temperature and humidity requirement, in a hygienic environment, FIFO and FEFO is practiced | 2 | |
18* | Requisite time and temperature is being achieved, maintained, monitored and recorded while manufacturing/processing. Check for records | 4 | |
19. | Food manufactured/processed is packed in a hygienic manner | 2 | |
20. | Packaging materials are food grade and in sound condition | ||
21. | Cleaning chemicals and other hazardous substances are clearly identified and stored separately from food | 2 | |
22. | Transporting vehicles for food use are kept clean and maintained in good repair | 2 | |
23. | Transporting vehicles are capable of meeting requisite temperature (where applicable) | 2 | |
24. | Recalled products are held under supervision and destroyed and re-processed/reworked in a manner to ensure their safety. (check for records) | 2 | |
III | Maintenance & Sanitation | ||
25. | Cleaning of equipment, food premises is done as per cleaning schedule and programme. | 2 | |
26. | Preventive maintenance of equipment and machinery are carried out regularly as per the instructions of the manufacturer | 2 | |
27. | Measuring and monitoring devices are calibrated periodically | 2 | |
28* | Pest control programme is available and pest control activities are carried out by trained and experienced personnel (check for records) | 4 | |
29 | No signs of pest activity or infestation in premises (eggs, larvae, faeces, etc.) | 2 | |
30. | Drains are designed to meet expected flow loads and equipped with traps to capture contaminants | 2 | |
31. | Food waste and other refuse are removed periodically from food handling areas to avoid accumulation. | 2 | |
32. | Disposal of sewage and effluents is done in conformity with standards laid down under Environment Protection Act, 1986 | 2 | |
IV | Personal Hygiene | ||
33. | Annual medical examination and inoculation of food handlers against the enteric group of diseases as per recommended schedule of the vaccine is done (check for records | 2 | |
34. | No person suffering from a disease of illness or with open wounds or burns is involved in handling of food or materials which come in contact with food | 2 | |
35* | Food handlers maintain personal cleanliness (clean clothes, trimmed nails, waterproof bandage etc.) and personal behaviour (hand washing, no lose jewellery, no smoking, no spitting, etc.) | 4 | |
36. | Food handlers equipped with suitable, aprons, gloves, headgear, shoe cover, etc. wherever necessary. | 2 | |
V | Training and Complaint handling | ||
37. | Internal/External audit of the system is done periodically (check for records) | 2 | |
38. | Food business has an effective consumer complaints redress mechanism | 2 | |
39. | Food handlers have the necessary knowledge and skills and trained to handle food safety (check for training records) | 2 | |
40* | Appropriate documentation and records are available and retained for a period of one year or the shelf life of the product, whichever is more | 4 |
Asterisk marks (*) questions may significantly impact food safety and therefore must be addressed as a priority. Failure in any of the asterisk marks questions will lead to non-compliance
A+ 80-90
A 72-79
B 45-71
No grade < 45
Date | FBO name | ||||||
Food Safety Officer | FBO’s Representative | ||||||
FBO Licence No. | Address | ||||||
Indicate the following as C, NC, PC or NA
1. | Food establishment has an updated FSSAI license and is displayed at a prominent location | Score | ||
2 | ||||
I | Design and Facilities | |||
2. | Food premises provides adequate working space, permits maintenance and cleaning to prevent entry of dirt, dust and pests | 2 | ||
3. | The internal structure and fittings are made of non-toxic and impermeable material | 2 | ||
4. | Walls, ceilings and doors are free from flaking paint or plaster, condensation and shedding particles | 2 | ||
5. | Floors are non-slippery and sloped appropriately | 2 | ||
6. | Windows are kept closed and fitted with insect proof screen when opening to an external environment | 2 | ||
7. | Doors are close fitted to avoid entry of pests | 2 | ||
8. | Equipment and containers are made of non-toxic, impervious, non-corrosive material which is easy to clean and disinfect (preferably SS 316 for equipment and SS 304 for tanks/ tankers) | 2 | ||
9. | Premise has sufficient lighting | 2 | ||
10. | Adequate ventilation is provided within premises | 2 | ||
11. | Adequate storage facility for food packing materials, chemicals, personnel items etc. are available | 2 | ||
12. | Personnel hygiene facilities are available. (Adequate number of hand washing facilities, toilets, change rooms rest & refreshment rooms etc.) | 2 | ||
13* | Potable water (meeting standards of IS:10500) is used as a product ingredient or in contact with food or food contact surface and tested for quality semi-annually (check for records ) | 4 | ||
14. | Raw milk reception dock (RMRD) facility is sufficiently raised with sides and top to prevent contamination while unloading of raw material | 2 | ||
15. | Separate processing facilities available for heat treated milk and milk products to avoid cross contamination | 2 | ||
16. | Food material is tested either through internal laboratory or through an accredited lab (check for records) | 2 | ||
II | Control of Operations | |||
17. | Incoming material, semi or final products are stored according to their temperature and humidity requirement, in a hygienic environment, FIFO and FEFO is practiced | 2 | ||
18. | Milk and other raw material are inspected at the time of receiving for food safety hazards | 2 | ||
19. | Raw material received through bulk chilling centres, the temperature of milk is maintained at 50C or lower | 2 | ||
20 | Raw milk when brought to the dairy plant by farmers, should reach the plant within four hours from milking and is cooled to 50C or lower as quickly as possible | 2 | ||
21. | Cleaning chemicals and other hazardous substances are clearly identified and stored separately from food | 2 | ||
22. | Milk is brought to the collection centre within four hours and immediately chilled to a temperature of 40C or lower | 2 | ||
23. | Pasteurisation temperature and holding temperature time (ideally 720C for 15 seconds for HTST) are properly maintained (batch pasteurisation 630C for 30 minutes, UHT 1350C for 1 to 2 seconds | 2 | ||
24. | Post pasteurisation process, milk is cooled immediately to a temperature of 40C or lower | 2 | ||
25* | Requisite time and temperature is being achieved, maintained, monitored and recorded while manufacturing/ processing | 4 | ||
26. | Packing and filling of heat treated milk and milk products is carried out hygienically | 2 | ||
27. | Packaging materials is food grade and in sound condition | 2 | ||
28. | Cleaning chemicals and other hazardous substances are clearly identified and stored separately from food | 2 | ||
29. | Transporting vehicles for food use are kept clean and maintained in good repair | 2 | ||
30. | Transporting vehicles are capable of meeting requisite temperature (where applicable) | 2 | ||
31. | Recalled products are held under supervision and destroyed and re-processed/reworked in a manner to ensure their safety. (check for records) | 2 | ||
III | Maintenance & Sanitation | |||
32. | Cleaning of equipment (preferably CIP) food premises is done as per cleaning schedule and programme. Proper arrangement available for cleaning, sanitizing of road milk tankers, cans etc. | 2 | ||
33. | Preventive maintenance of equipment and machinery are carried out regularly as per the instructions of the manufacturer | 2 | ||
34. | Measuring and monitoring devices are calibrated periodically | 2 | ||
35* | Pest control programme is available and pest control activities are carried out by trained and experienced personnel (check for records) | 4 | ||
36. | No signs of pest activity or infestation in premises (eggs, larvae, faeces, etc.) | 2 | ||
37. | Drains are designed to meet expected flow loads and equipped with traps to capture contaminants | 2 | ||
38. | Food waste and other refuse are removed periodically from food handling areas to avoid accumulation. | 2 | ||
39. | Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP) is in place | 2 | ||
40. | Disposal of sewage and effluents is done in conformity with standards laid down under Environment Protection Act, 1986 | 2 | ||
IV. | Personal Hygiene (is the same as for General manufacturing) | |||
41 | Annual medical examination and inoculation of food handlers against the enteric group of diseases as per recommended schedule of the vaccine is done (check for records | 2 | ||
42 | No person suffering from a disease of illness or with open wounds or burns is involved in handling of food or materials which come in contact with food | 2 | ||
43* | Food handlers maintain personal cleanliness (clean clothes, trimmed nails, waterproof bandage etc.) and personal behaviour (hand washing, no lose jewellery, no smoking, no spitting, etc.) | 4 | ||
44 | Food handlers equipped with suitable, aprons, gloves, headgear, shoe cover, etc. wherever necessary. | 2 | ||
V | Training and record keeping | |||
45 | Internal/External audit of the system is done periodically (check for records) | 2 | ||
46 | Food business has an effective consumer complaints redress mechanism | 2 | ||
47 | Food handlers have the necessary knowledge and skills and trained to handle food safety (check for training records) | 2 | ||
48* | Appropriate documentation and records are available and retained for a period of one year or the shelf life of the product, whichever is more | 4 | ||
Asterisk marks (*) questions may significantly impact food safety and therefore must be addressed as a priority. Failure in any of the asterisk marks questions will lead to non-compliance
A+ 100-110
A 88-99
B 55-87
No grade < 55
Date | FBO name | ||
Food Safety Officer | FBO’s Representative | ||
FBO Licence No. | Address |
Indicate the following as C, NC, PC or NA
1. | Food establishment has an updated FSSAI license and is displayed at a prominent location | 2 | |
I | Design and Facilities | ||
2. | Premises is located in an area that is free from objectionable odour, smoke dust and other contaminants | 2 | |
3. | The design of the food premises provides adequate working space, permits maintenance and cleaning | 2 | |
4. | The internal structure and fittings are made of non-toxic and impermeable material | 2 | |
5. | The premise is well equipped with chilling room, freezing store or freezer as per the operations and fitted with temperature measuring and recording devices | 2 | |
6. | Floors are non-slippery and sloped appropriately | 2 | |
7. | Walls are non-absorbent, non-toxin and preferably light coloured , smooth and without crevices | 2 | |
8. | Ceilings are free from accumulated dirt, mould development, flaking paint and plaster | 2 | |
9. | Windows and other openings are free from accumulated dirt and those that open are fitted with insect proof screen | 2 | |
10. | Doors are smooth, non-absorbent surface, close fitted and self-closing (where appropriate) | 2 | |
11. | Premises have sufficient lighting 540 lux (inspection points) 220 lux (work room0 and 110 lux (other areas) | 2 | |
12. | Adequate ventilation is provided within premises | 2 | |
13* | Potable water (meeting standards of IS:10500) is used as a product ingredient or in contact with food or food contact surface and tested for quality semi-annually (check for records ) | 4 | |
14. | Facilities for cleaning and disinfection of implements are made of non-corrosive material and fitted with suitable means of supplying hot water in sufficient quantity. | 2 | |
15. | Equipment and containers are made of non-toxic, impervious, non-corrosive material and which facilitate cleaning and do not provide harbourage to pests | 2 | |
16. | Food material is tested either through internal laboratory or through an accredited lab (check for records) | 2 | |
17. | Personnel hygiene facilities are available. (Adequate number of hand washing facilities, toilets, change rooms. Hand washing facility with warm or hot and cold water and adequate means to hygienically dry hands are provided adjacent to toilets and entry into processing areas | 2 | |
18. | Premises has facility for storage of waste and inedible material such that contamination with food is avoided and is also free from any pest activity | 2 | |
II | Control of operations | ||
19. | Incoming material procured as per internally laid down specifications and from approved vendors. Check for records (specifications, name and address of supplier, batch no. and quantity procured etc. | 2 | |
20 | Raw material is inspected for food safety hazards at the time of receiving | 2 | |
21 | Incoming material, semi or final products are stored according to their temperature and humidity requirement, in a hygienic environment, FIFO and FEFO is practiced | 2 | |
22* | The temperature for room for boning out and trimming are controlled and held suitably low, unless cleaning of equipment and utensils are carried out at least every four hours | 4 | |
23* | Room used for deboning, preparing, packing of the handling of meat is equipped with adequate facilities for cleaning and disinfecting implements such as knives, cleavers, saws, etc. and these facilities are not used for other purposes. | 4 | |
24 | Meat shall be processed and packed using sound food grade materials in a hygienic manner | 2 | |
25 | Containers used for storing inedible substances, cleaning chemicals and other hazardous substances are clearly identified and stored separately from other foods | 2 | |
26 | Transporting vehicles for food use are kept clean and maintained in good repair | 2 | |
27 | Transporting vehicles are capable of meeting requisite temperature (where applicable) | 2 | |
28 | Recalled products are held under supervision and destroyed and re-processed/reworked in a manner to ensure their safety. (check for records) | 2 | |
III | Maintenance and Sanitation | ||
29* | All equipment, implements, tables, utensils, knives, cleaves, knife pouches, saws, mechanical instruments and containers are cleaned and disinfected at frequent intervals and immediately when they come into contact with infected material or otherwise become contaminated. They are also cleaned and disinfected at the end of each working day. | 4 | |
30 | Preventive maintenance of equipment and machinery are carried out regularly as per the instructions of the manufacturer | 2 | |
31 | Measuring and monitoring devices are calibrated periodically | 2 | |
32* | Pest control programme is available and pest control activities are carried out by trained and experienced personnel (check for records) | 4 | |
33 | No signs of pest activity or infestation in premises. | 2 | |
34 | Waste is removed from meat handling area at regular intervals (at least daily) and the receptacles are cleaned and disinfected | 2 | |
35 | Drains are designed to meet expected flow loads and equipped with traps to capture contaminants | 2 | |
36 | Disposal of sewage and effluents is done in conformity with standards laid down under Environment Protection Act, 1986 | 2 | |
IV | Personal Hygiene | ||
37 | Annual medical examination and inoculation of food handlers against the enteric group of diseases as per recommended schedule of the vaccine is done (check for records | 2 | |
38 | No person suffering from a disease of illness or with open wounds or burns is involved in handling of food or materials which come in contact with food | 2 | |
39* | Food handlers maintain personal cleanliness (clean clothes, trimmed nails, waterproof bandage etc.) and personal behaviour (hand washing, no lose jewellery, no smoking, no spitting, etc.) | 4 | |
40 | Food handlers equipped with suitable, aprons, gloves, headgear, shoe cover, etc. wherever necessary. | 2 | |
V | Training and record keeping | ||
41 | Internal/External audit of the system is done periodically (check for records) | 2 | |
42 | Food business has an effective consumer complaints redress mechanism | 2 | |
43 | Food handlers have the necessary knowledge and skills and trained to handle food safety (check for training records) | 2 | |
44* | Appropriate documentation and records are available and retained for a period of one year or the shelf life of the product, whichever is more | 4 |
Asterisk marks (*) questions may significantly impact food safety and therefore must be addressed as a priority. Failure in any of the asterisk marks questions will lead to non-compliance
A+ 90 – 100
A 80 – 99
B 50 -79
No grade < 50
Indicate the following as C, NC, PC or NA
TOTAL POINTS……../114 Asterisk marks (*) questions may significantly impact food safety and therefore must be addressed as a priority. Failure in any of the asterisk marks questions will lead to non-compliance A+ 100 – 114 A 91- 99 B 77- 90 No grade < 77
Indicate the following as C, NC, PC or NA
TOTAL POINTS……../90 Asterisk marks (*) questions may significantly impact food safety and therefore must be addressed as a priority. Failure in any of the asterisk marks questions will lead to non-compliance
A+ 80 -90 A 72 -79 B 45 -71 No grade < 45
Indicate the following as C, NC, PC or NA
TOTAL POINTS……../68 Asterisk marks (*) questions may significantly impact food safety and therefore must be addressed as a priority. Failure in any of the asterisk marks questions will lead to non-compliance
A+ 60 – 68 A 54 – 59 B 34 -53 No grade < 34 TRANSPORT
Indicate the following as C, NC, PC or NA
TOTAL POINTS……../56 Asterisk marks (*) questions may significantly impact food safety and therefore must be addressed as a priority. Failure in any of the asterisk marks questions will lead to non-compliance
A+ 50 – 56 A 44 – 49 B 28 – 43 No grade < 28
Indicate the following as C, NC, PC or NA
TOTAL POINTS……../74 Asterisk marks (*) questions may significantly impact food safety and therefore must be addressed as a priority. Failure in any of the asterisk marks questions will lead to non-compliance A+ 66 – 74 A 60 – 65 B 27- 59 No grade < 27 |
Source: FSSAI
mayuri says
very useful imformation